1782 results for tag: Greg Albrecht

Can You Handle The Truth?

In our world of advertising and spin doctoring truth is replaced with distortion and lies.  But then sometimes truth can be difficult -- hard to deal with.  Can you handle the truth?  What is truth? https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR241.mp3

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

January 2, 2025 -- Quote for the Day “We don’t impress God with our religious juggling, our spiritual dances, our religious hand-jive, ballet or soft-shoe.  He doesn’t award us spiritual points based on our gymnastic religious performances.   He intervenes in our lives, lavishing us with his grace, based on his goodness, not ours. Think of the wise men from the East who came to visit the newborn Jesus.  One day they were leading a normal life, doing their astronomical calculations, consulting their star charts, putting in a 9-5 day, washing their camels and eating dinner with the family at night.  They ...

Grace at the Crossroads

Greg teaches from Matthew 7:13-14, taking issue with the popular idea of the precise identity of those who journey on the broad road, and, on the other hand, who is traveling on the narrow road.

A Lion and A Lamb

The triumph of the slain Lamb of God, improbable and impossible as it seems, is the triumph of the way of grace.

Do You Know Where You Are?

Do you know where you are spiritually? Are you found or are you lost? If you don't know where you are, you need to be found, and you need to listen to today's program. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0278.mp3  

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

December 31, 2024 - Quote for the Day: “According to ‘Bad News Religion,’ humans need to repent of vices and make every attempt to overcome them and avoid them. According to the cross of Christ, Christians must repent of both vices and virtues. If you are mired in some religious swamp, your own presumed virtues may be a real obstacle that prevents you from accepting Jesus Christ. The cross of Christ means that all we do falls short of God’s perfection, and that nothing we do, be it a vice or a virtue, changes his love for us or his willingness to accept us.”  Originally published in: Bad News Religion ------------...

Do You Know Who You Are?

Is Christianity a smooth, comfortable and secure road taking us to a blissful and serene future? Is it the smooth level paved road that we'd prefer, or is it more like a bumpy roller coaster? https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0253.mp3  

The 1,000 Year Millennium? – Greg Albrecht

Question: Your perspective on the "1000 year reign" would be appreciated.   Response: In chapter 11 of my book “Revelation Revolution” I devote several pages to this topic.   In summary to what I have written there, along with some additional perspectives, here are some general thoughts about the “millennium” – The majority of Christians who are now alive do not subscribe to a literal period of time – 1,000 years as we know time – at the “end” of an age of human history before or ushering in the eternity of the Kingdom of God.  For that matter, most Christians who ever lived did not embrace the ...

Turning the Corner on 2024 – by Greg Albrecht

Friend and Partner Letter from January 2025: We made it! We made it through another madcap, tumultuous, challenging and wild roller coaster ride of a year. We made it through 2024!  Or, more correctly, by God’s grace we made it. We made it because our Risen Lord empowered and enabled us, living his life in us. There is great news as we begin this New Year of 2025! God is still in love with you. He cannot love you any more than he already has, because he has loved you, still does and always will… to the MAX! God is absolutely head-over-heels in love with you.  He’s got your picture on his refrigerator and he has your name, ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

December 28, 2024 - Quote for the Day: “The Cross of Christ stands as the crowning, never-to-be surpassed monument to the power of God’s love – when Jesus, out of his love for us, gave us the ultimate gift – himself. The Cross of Christ is the vertical love of God meeting the hatred of our horizontal world – and triumphing over it. The Cross of Christ is the presence of God in the most ugly, foul and reprehensible evils that will ever occur in the horizontal dimension experienced on our planet earth, taking on his shoulders all the perversion and corruption that mankind has ever or will ever generate – and letting it all be ...

You Are Forgiven

Are you troubled by whether or not your sins are forgiven? John the Baptist said of Jesus, "Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." Yet we wonder, will God always forgive us? What does it take for us to have absolute assurance that we are forgiven? https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0256.mp3  

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

December 26, 2024 - Quote for the Day: “If Jesus had come as a health-and-wealth preacher, then people would have followed him, hoping to improve their physical status in life. He wouldn’t have been despised and rejected – he would have been celebrated. If Jesus had come predicting the end time, holding huge prophecy crusades, writing a string of best-selling ‘left-behind’ novels, then he would have sold out amphitheaters and stadiums. He wouldn’t have been despised and rejected – he would have been a best-selling author and speaker. If Jesus had come with a healing crusade, then he would have attracted far more of those ...

More Than Conquerors

Jesus threatened the religion of the Pharisees by healing a man who had been born blind. The man who Jesus healed ran into the buzz-saw of religion, complete with inquisition. Jesus was teaching us that we're more than conquerors through him -- not through religion. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0248.mp3    

He’s All In – Greg Albrecht

      The word story painted in the first chapter of the book of Job speaks of Satan showing up at God’s house for a visit. Details are not provided, but we get the idea that Lucifer did not bring flowers.   It didn’t take long before the Prince of Darkness started to condemn Job, one of God’s servants. Reading this story the other day, I was thinking of another way we might imagine the Evil One visiting our heavenly Father—but this visit wound up on the cutting room floor when the final version of the Bible was edited.   You may remember comedian Bob Newhart, who often set up hilarious scenes ...

Merry Christ-Centered Christmas

It’s possible to have the experience of Christmas, without coming to know its spiritual implications and significance. Join us for Christmas as we ponder a Christ-centered Christmas.

January 2025

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: God's Master Stroke for the New Year – pg. 1 It's All on Rails – pg. 2 Sunsets and Seasons of Life – pg. 5 "Rise Up and Walk!" – pg. 6 Mercy Drops – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

December 24, 2024 - Quote for the Day: “… when Jesus was born, he was born far from the doors of any cathedral or temple made with human hands – far from any mega-church campus. The place where Jesus was born had more in common with places today where homeless people fill shopping carts with redeemable containers and poor day laborers wait for someone to hire them… When Mary gave birth, she gave birth to Jesus in a barnyard, and laid him in a feeding trough designed to feed animals. This scene was not a beautiful hospital birthing room – Jesus was not laid in a hygienic room with a window where friends and relatives could view him. ...

The Light Enters Our Darkness

Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, as we give thanks for who Jesus is and how he, the Light of the world, is with us now and forever! https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR410.mp3

He Set Aside the Privileges of Deity

The birth of Jesus cannot fully be appreciated or experienced apart from the immense mystery of what God in the person of Jesus did in what is often called, in theological terms, the incarnation. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR462.mp3

I Am Alive For Ever and Ever – by Greg Albrecht

When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I Am Alive for Ever and Ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades."—Revelation 1:17-18 You know, almost every time that God came to someone in the Bible to tell them he wanted them to fulfill a certain responsibility, he received a similar response. Moses said he wasn't fit for the job because he had a speech impediment. Jonah of course ran away in the opposite direction. When Peter became more aware that Jesus was God in the flesh he told Jesus to get ...