1796 results for tag: Greg Albrecht

Being in Christ – by Greg Albrecht

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. This is my command: Love each other.—John 15:12-17 When we consider our relationship with God ...

Q & R: Greg Albrecht – “Does Satan exist?”

Question: I just listened to one of your sermons broadcast and after being with Plain Truth ministries for a LONG time, I was quite surprised when you said you didn't know if Satan exists? The Bible says that God created the devil as the most perfect beautiful angel he could make, but because of his beauty he turned against God and persuaded 1/3 of the angels to go with him, he was thrown down to Earth. I don't know why I'm writing this. You're more knowledgeable than I am, or at least I thought you were. I've settled in my mind that Satan exists as an evil influence, and that as humans, we're capable of evil but Satan with his influence makes things ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

March 4, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “As parents and grandparents we smile at stories about children getting confused with God: During Jason’s bedtime prayer he said, ‘Lord, if you can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry about it.  I’m having a good time like I am.’ Sarah complained to God the he did not answer her prayer: ‘Thank you for the baby brother but what I asked for was a puppy. I never asked for anything else before.  You can look it up.’ Lisa pondered the nature of God when she prayed, ‘How do you know you are God?  Did someone tell you, or did you just decide that yourself?’ Bobby was ...

The Gospel According to Isaiah – Part 1

The good news is not limited to, nor was it first proclaimed in the New Testament. Join us for this fascinating three-part series as we discover the many Christ-centered teachings of Isaiah. Isaiah 9:2-7

The Universal Body of Christ

Paul's letter to the Ephesians offers incredible insights into the nature of the church - the body of Christ. Join us for this fascinating study.

CWR Video – Heaven and Hell

In this CWR Video, Greg and Brad discuss perspectives on heaven and hell. https://vimeo.com/1013248243 If this post has helped you, please subscribe and share it freely. We also invite you to help us continue to help others with a donation. Click here if you're able to partner with us

No Greater Love – by Greg Albrecht

Friend and Partner Letter from March 2025: The night before he was crucified, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. He lived a life of sacrificial service. He came to serve us, rather than to receive our service. Like the water he used to wash his disciples’ feet (and yours and mine) he poured himself out, both throughout his earthly ministry, but most remarkably and ultimately, on his Cross.  During what some call his “final discourse” – the long discussion Jesus had with his disciples the evening before he gave his all on his Cross – when he emptied himself so that we could be filled, when he ingested all human hatred and ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

March 1, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “Did you ever stop to think about the times Jesus went to church? How did that work out for him?  Did he get involved in all of the committees and outreach groups?  Did people like him?  Of course Jesus never went to a church, but the Bible does tell us that he went to synagogue and temple. The Bible doesn’t tell us how consistently Jesus attended synagogue and temple, but it does tell us of rude receptions he received when he did frequent such gatherings.”   Originally published in: Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 1 ----------------------------...

18 Prominent Biblical Passages – and Why

When asked to provide a list of his top ten biblical verses, Greg was stymied. Here's the list he wound up with - and why.

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 27, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “The history of the Bible is a history of the self-imposed, willing humiliation that God has accepted as an inevitable consequence of his love for us.  The love he has for us means that he exposes himself to hurt, pain, disappointment and failure.  From the very beginning God made himself vulnerable, placing himself at risk… God decided to begin his human life on earth not as a mature adult like Adam, but as a helpless baby, choosing, from a human perspective, the weakness and vulnerability of infancy over the safety and security of adulthood."   Originally published ...

“No” to Wrath and “Yes” to Love – Part 2

In this second message in our two part series we study Matthew 5:38-45, and the Jesus’ loving response to violence and hatred.

“No” to Wrath and “Yes” to Love – Part 1

This begins a two part series studying misunderstandings many have regarding the significance of the supreme demonstration of divine love given for us on the cross of Christ.

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 25, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “Jesus is a master builder, not a cosmetician.  The new wine he gives means that the old containers have to go.  Everything that Jesus builds is new, not some partial remodel.  We’re talking about a religious tear down.  In order to build a new house the old one has to be demolished.  That’s exactly why Jesus said that the old covenant temple in Jerusalem had to go.  It had to be completely demolished because it had become a virtual icon, a physical symbol of religious stuff that was now obsolete.  The temple in Jerusalem had to go because of the new covenant ...

Conversion – “Getting” Saved or “Being” Reconciled?

When giving their "testimonies" some talk about "getting" saved - is that what happens? Can anyone actually "get" saved?

Them vs Us

Accusations and condemnations continue among competing churches and denominations - as do church splits and divisions. And then there's the seemingly endless, strident messages from many pulpits about non-Christians. What is a Christ-centered perspective about all of this angry rhetoric?

Twice as Much as a Child of Hell – by Greg Albrecht

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are. —Matthew 23:15 The Pilgrim’s Regress by C.S. Lewis includes a fascinating story about a young boy’s first encounter with religion and one of its religious professionals. Since Lewis is one of my favorite authors, I’ve read and studied about his own childhood, and it seems that some of what he is talking about in this fictional story is autobiographical, with a direct relationship to his own experiences with Christ-less religion when he ...

Reflections Along the Jesus Way

February 22, 2025 - Quote for the Day: “Grace flows downward from divinity to humanity.  God’s grace descends from immortality to mortality, from perfection to imperfection.  God’s grace is somewhat like water that inevitably finds and is welcomed in low places.  Conversely, grace finds resistance in religious high places.”  Originally published in: Wonders of His Grace ------------------------------------- Help Us Help Others - Give Now

Faith Alone, Grace Alone and CHRIST ALONE – Pt. 3

When all is said and done, our relationship with God all comes down to CHRIST ALONE - faith and grace are themselves rooted and grounded in Christ, who is the very center of all that we are.

March 2025

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: What He Did for You and Me – pg. 1 Our Hope in Christ – pg. 2 The Christ-Centered Mission of CWR/PTM – pg. 4 True Abundance – pg. 6 Attack of the Wild Blackberries – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

CWR Video – Albert Einstein and the Kingdom of God

In this CWR Video, Greg shares a perspective on the Kingdom of God. https://vimeo.com/1013242080 If this post has helped you, please subscribe and share it freely. We also invite you to help us continue to help others with a donation. Click here if you're able to partner with us