199 results for tag: grace

Righteousness by Law or By Faith – by Greg Albrecht

There's an old story about a young man who asked his rich grandfather, "Grandpa, how did you get so rich?" "Well," said grandpa, "during the Great Depression my family had no money whatsoever. I found two pennies in my old piggy bank, and I bought an apple with those two pennies. I shined that apple up, took it out on the street where people were hungry, and sold it for five cents. Then I took that nickel and bought two more apples for two cents each. I shined them all up, took them back out on the street, and sold them for five cents each."The grandfather paused, and then continued, "That was my first real job. I did real well selling apples during ...

April 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Has Christ made DEATH our friend? – pg. 2 Jersak & Young Memory Albums – pg. 5 Richard Rohr What is the "False Self"? – pg. 6 Greg Albrecht Did God Forsake God? – pg. 7

The Christian and a “Heretic” by Ken Williams

How I view my relationship with Jesus determines how I see others. Ken Williams I joined the other passengers as we boarded our flight from Sacramento, CA to Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas. I looked forward to relaxing and reading. After getting settled in my window seat and greeting the woman in the aisle seat, I pulled my book out intending to relax and read. But that was delayed by the woman in the aisle seat who asked me if I believe the Bible. It felt more like a trap than a request for friendly conversation. I sensed that nuancing my answer would prolong the conversation, so I replied, “Yes” and started to read. She wasn’t finished. Other ...

It’s Good to Be Alive – by Greg Albrecht

It's one of two times in the year when brick-and-mortar churches have their highest attendance. It's without a doubt the most meaningful time of the year for Christians, but Easter lilies, bunny rabbits, Easter hams, painted and chocolate eggs can take our attention away from the vital life-giving significance of this spiritual victory we celebrate every spring. Easter signals new life springing from what is seemingly dead and lifeless. Gray gives way to green. Ice melts and snow is replaced by the promise of buds and sprouts. Light overcomes darkness. The light and life that comes bursting from an empty tomb triumphs over death on the cross, a ...

March 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: New Birth Through the Resurrection – pg. 1 What's in an Anniversary? – pg. 2 Prophecy Pays: The Gospel Frees – pg. 5 Inside and Out – pg. 6 Sidewalk Wrinkles – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Grace — It’s Not Quid Pro Quo

In today’s Plain Truth program Greg gives 9 definitions of “grace”. Just what is grace, anyway?

It’s Either Old or New – by Greg Albrecht

By way of introduction to It’s Either Old or New—It Can’t Be Both! I would like to introduce two special guests. Before going any further, I should explain that our special guests will appear as caricatures—in the form of a communication that they might have had with each other—so that there is, as far as I know, no actual resemblance to anything they’ve ever said to each other, if indeed they ever had a one-on-one conversation. I hope that clears me—that’s my disclaimer. Our first guest is Martha Stewart. Martha Stewart has come, over the past few decades, to symbolize the paragon of a dutiful, ...

CWR Video – Grace by Buechner

Video on grace by Frederick Buechner.

Grace and Truth Come Through Jesus Christ – by Greg Albrecht

  Here's a news flash! Religion is confrontational and hostile to anyone that dares to differ with it. Religion is, at best, irrelevant to our relationship with God. Christ-less religion actually leads people away from God! Grace-less religion advances its agenda, which is all about the relationship it offers (or inflicts upon) its followers. The relationship religion offers usually includes a relationship with a building, with real estate, with icons, with treasures (real or imagined) and with rituals and performances and traditions which are themselves reputed to be of heavenly value. In many cases religion promises spiritual rewards based on ...

CWR Video – by Greg Albrecht – “The Little Engine that Could”

Short video by Greg Albrecht.

How God Chooses His Team – by Greg Albrecht

Remember those times when you gathered with a group of your friends and schoolmates to participate in a game that involved two teams? My memories are of two captains who were popularly chosen, or who, by virtue of their size, age and ability (or all three) appointed themselves. Then the captains started choosing people for their teams. They always chose those who they felt would help them win—that's logical. Games are all about winning. So when sides were chosen the fastest, strongest, most popular and most athletic were chosen first. As each person was chosen they walked over and stood next to their captain, until finally there was one last ...

December 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Not What Religion Expects – pg. 2 Kenneth Tanner: One-Sided God – pg. 6 Brad Jersak God in Our Image – pg. 7

Don’t Forget – by Greg Albrecht

Every Friday night Eddie walked down to an old broken down pier on the eastern seacoast of Florida, walking slowly, slightly stooped over while carrying a large bucket of shrimp. The sea gulls flocked to the old man because almost every Friday night he provided a shrimp feast for them. People watching Eddie might have thought he was one taco short of a combo platter—just another crazy old man. It was a strange Friday night ritual. But for Eddie, it was all about remembering, it was all about giving back, it was all about giving thanks. Eddie provided a feast for the sea gulls while he stood there on that pier, lost in his thoughts, transpo...

God’s Gifts To Us

What is the difference between Christians and non-Christians? Christians and non-Christians alike do good things, they build schools and hospitals, they care for the poor and feed the hungry.

When Were You Saved… And Does it Really Matter? by Greg Albrecht

Here's an email I received recently: I said the prayer to be saved when I was ten years old. I don't remember much about it—just that my mom was upset that the church I was attending with my friend would baptize a child (me) who was not really sure what was going on. Many years later, in another church service, I asked Jesus to come into my heart again. The pastor announced to the church that I was rededicating my life. Yet looking back, I feel that God was with me all along.Is it possible that I was truly saved when I was age ten, even though I was unaware of its great importance? I know that God knows my heart and I have a great ...

Thanking God for the Riches of His Grace – by Greg Albrecht

Friend and Partner Letter for November 2023: Teddy, only eight years old, was dying in the hospital of a rare blood disease. He was admitted two weeks before in critical condition, and his health had steadily gone downhill since then. One or both of his parents had been at his bedside for these two weeks, and then yesterday his doctors told them it seemed like Teddy’s condition had stabilized and he might have 4-6 weeks to live.  Teddy’s mother and father felt they could both go home for a day and take care of some pressing matters, and then return the next day. But during the day when his parents were gone, Teddy’s health ...

November 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: 60 Years Later... If JFK Could Talk – pg. 1 The Love of Thanksgiving – pg. 2 Should We Fear God? – pg. 5 A Sickness Unto Death – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Grace Without Reservations – by Greg Albrecht

And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, then grace would no longer be grace.—Romans 11:6 Have you ever had an altercation, a conflict or misunderstanding with your wife or husband, adult child or a good friend and wondered how in the world you could patch things up? We've all been there, haven't we? Perhaps we are "there" right now. Let's suppose (and it's a safe supposition, isn't it?) that the mess we are thinking about is a mess that is our fault. We are to blame. After all, at some point in our lives, we have all been in the wrong, haven't we? At some point in our lives we have all been the major factor or cause behind a ...

CWR Video – All About Put Back, Not Pay Back – by Steve McVey

Short 2 minute video about God by Steve McVey.

Wins and Losses Don’t Matter – by Greg Albrecht

Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. – Matthew 10:39 The purpose of a Christ-centered life is not to gratify or satisfy the self, but to lose ourselves in the cause of something bigger and more important. When we lose ourselves in the service of Jesus, we find life – he gives us his life, and he lives his life in us now and forever. The primary purpose of life that motivates Christ-followers is far beyond merely consuming, acquiring and possessing. The purpose of life for those who walk with Jesus is to lose ourselves in the service of those who are hungry, thirsty, strangers, ...