2 results for tag: good God

A Good God Who Doesn’t Always Heal? Brad Jersak

In A More Christlike God, I describe the self-revelation of God in Christ, who is self-giving, radically forgiving, and co-suffering Love. That image of God is cruciform, uncontrolling, but still deeply caring. So how do we hang onto the image of God as a loving heavenly Parent when (1) Jesus told us to pray with boldness and faith, but (2) many of those prayers seem to go unanswered? What gives? What follows is a dialogue with a friend about these complex and difficult issues: AF: Hi Bradley:  I have a nagging subject that I found myself questioning a lot. You wrote about it in this article:https://www.ptm.org/qr-if-go...

Can God Be Too Good? Part 2 by Monte Wolverton

Can Christians Be Universalist? When the subject of Christian universalism is raised among some traditional Christians, hackles rise like those on the back of a JackRussell Terrier who has just spotted a cat. As far as many “Bible-believing” Christians are concerned, theterms “Christian” and “universalism” are not compatible. Universalism, they say, is a dangerous heresy that has arisen from paganism like a toxic green slime, oozing through New Agers and Unitarians into mainstream Christian churches in recent decades, threatening to engulf and corrode cherished, time-tested doctrines (especially those having to do with an ...