3 results for tag: God’s names

GOD: “PLEASE – USE MY BEST NAME!!” – Greg Albrecht

Question: A family member keeps telling me that one of the Hebrew names for God is the only one we should use if we expect "God" to listen to us. This seems sheer nonsense to me. What do you think? Response: As you say, the proposition is nonsensical. Similar "logic" would determine that God only hears prayers in Hebrew - or maybe Greek - but certainly not English. Further, if we must use one of his Hebrew names, given that names in one language are spelled and pronounced differently in another, how can we ensure we don't offend him with a flawed pronunciation or wrong spelling?  Some take this illogical thinking further - ...

Q&R: Should we use Love as a name for God? Brad Jersak

Question: Should we use the word Love as a name for God? I started thinking about this after I recently read that "God is change." God certainly is IN change, and God is fluid. But is He change? Then, I was reading a suggestion to substitute the word 'love' for God. I haven't yet found where God describes Himself as love (although He uses many wonderful descriptions.) I know that the Apostle John says God is love. And, given our unceasing ability to make things up, do we go maybe a bit too far when we substitute the word 'love' for God?  Response: Thanks for this great question. I don't know that God ever uses "Love" as a proper ...

Breakfast with Brad – T-bone Steak, the UK & How God is Named

In which, over leftover T-bone steak, Brad pitches an "Exploring the Beautiful Gospel" gathering (with Brian Zahnd) in Southhampton, UK (Oct. 26, 2018), then reflects on three ways in which God is named. See below for event details and the 3 ways God is named. CLICK HERE to attend "Exploring the Beautiful Gospel" with Brad Jersak and Brian Zahnd, Oct. 26. 3 ways God is named:  People name God after their experiences of God. Their names are descriptive of how they meet God in their encounters with God. God names himself directly or through angels, such as his self-revelation as Yahweh to Moses, or when his Son is named Emmanuel or ...