3 results for tag: God’s grace
God’s Grace is Christ in Us – Jim Fowler
Jim Fowler
Brad Jersak wrote these words in the “Christianity Without the Religion Blog” "The Beatitudes: Christ Formed In You" dated Nov. 12, 2023: “The saving, sanctifying, and empowering grace of God IS Christ in us.” So true, and to reverse the equation, “Christ in us IS the saving, sanctifying, and empowering grace of God.” This is the mystery (once concealed, now revealed) that Paul was sharing with the Colossians, “the mystery… which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col. 1:27). This is the dynamic core of the gospel. This is the dynamic of the Christ-life in Christ-ones by which the Christ-life is re-presented and ...
Gift After Gift After Gift – Brad Jersak
We all live off his generous bounty, gift after gift after gift (John 1:16, MSG, The Message Bible).
Out of his full store we have all received grace upon grace (John 1:16, NEB,The New English Bible).
The first chapter of the Gospel of John presents an unequalled, beautiful and profound exploration of what, to the human mind, is “the genesis of God the Word,” made flesh in Jesus of Nazareth. Of course, God has no actual beginning, but the eternal One concedes to speak to the limitations of our human perspective and language.
John draws a parallel in his New Testament genesis to the first chapter of the Old Testament Genesis, emphas...
Divine Grace by Jim Fowler
Grace the character of the Triune God