128 results for tag: Free resource

One Nation Under God – Greg Albrecht

Download or Read the Article: One Nation Under God

He’s There For You and With You

Download or Read the Article: He's There For You and With You

God…More Than a “Christian”?

Download or Read the Article: God…More Than a "Christian"?

What if God was One of Us?

Download or Read the Article: What if God was One of Us?

He loves Me – He Loves Me Not

Download or Read the Article: He loves Me - He Loves Me Not

Apart From and Before God’s Grace

Apart from and before God’s grace enters into our lives, we are hard-wired to make every effort to ensure that we are in control of as much of our lives as possible. Apart from and before God’s grace, all of our time, talents and treasures are devoted to our self-centered interests. Apart from and before God’s grace we spend our lives attempting to protect ourselves, build our fortune, secure our possessions and keep all forces that threaten our self interest under control. Apart from and before God’s grace we continually chase the pot of religious gold at the end of the rainbow coalition of its lies, tilting at windmills, trying in ...

Staying Alive by Greg Albrecht

We can never satisfy all of the demands of religion because religion, and all of its potions and pills, is powerless to produce God’s righteousness in our lives. With all of our advances in technology and machinery, North Americans still find planting, growing, harvesting, shopping for, preparing and consuming food, a necessary, expensive and time consuming part of staying alive. We’re just as dependent upon food today as Israel was upon God’s daily provision of manna. In a similar way, our spiritual lives are dependent upon the Bread of Life. The Bible tells us that we have no spiritual life without our Lord and Savior. He gives ...

Can God Be Too Good? – Monte Wolverton

Download or Read the Article: Can God Be Too Good?

The Verdict Is In by Rob Grayson

Download or Read the Article: The Verdict Is In

As If – Greg Albrecht

Download or Read the Article: As If by Greg Alcrecht

7 Myths About Christian Universalism – Robin Parry

Download or Read the Article: 7 Myths About Christian Universalism

Golgotha – Collision of Sin and Grace – Brian Zahnd

Download or Read the Article: Golgotha - Collision of Sin and Grace

Lazarus’ Story is the World’s Story – Kenneth Tanner

Download or Read the Article: Lazarus' Story is the World's Story

The Dogs of Legalism – Ron Benson

Download or Read the Article: The Dogs of Legalism

Conforming and Performing – Monte Wolverton

Download or Read the Article: Conforming and Performing

Is It The End? – Monte Wolverton

Download or Read the Article: Is It The End?

When Words Fail by J. LeBron McBride

Download or Read the Article: When Words Fail

Inconspicuous Hope by Cindy Brandt

Download or Read the Article: Inconspicuous Hope

A Legacy of Love by Laura Urista

Download or Read the Article: A Legacy of Love

Vive la Revolution! by Brian Zahnd

Download or Read the Article: Vive la Revolution!