2 results for tag: Expectations

Generosity Without Expectations – Greg Albrecht

A youth group from a prosperous North American suburb volunteered to help a pastor serve meals in an inner-city soup kitchen. Before this experience, most of these young people had only seen homeless people through their car windows as they and their family happened to drive through a poor part of town. It was just before Thanksgiving, and the young people served a hot meal of beans, turkey, mashed potatoes and yams to a long line of people. As they filed past these young people filling empty plates with generous servings, few of the homeless people made any eye contact with the young people who were serving the free meal, and only a few ...

November 2022

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Generosity Without Expectations – pg. 1 The Peace of Thanksgiving – pg. 2 Count Your Blessings – pg. 5 Infernal Interruptions! – pg. 6 In Plane Site – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8