108 results for tag: Ed Dunn
Our Daily Walk – by Ed Dunn
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. (Matthew 6:34, The Message Bible)
There’s an old tale of two priests who went for a long daily walk in the woods just after a prolonged and stormy downpour. As they walked and meditated along their way, they came upon a small river that not long before had been a shallow stream. As they did, a young woman from the neighboring village dressed in fine clothing stood by the rain-soaked, muddy bank trying to see how she might get across. ...
Field of Dreams – by Ed Dunn
Friend and Partner Letter from September 2022
Once again Ed Dunn favors us by writing our letter this month. Given the topic of baseball which forms the illustration of the vital spiritual lesson Ed shares below, we might say he has become a regular in our batting order, coming up to bat for our September letter!
As most of you know, as Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Ed wears many hats at PTM. Earlier this year he authored “Looking at Life from the Outside In” for the cover of our March Plain Truth. Many appreciated it as a powerful and inspiring account of some of his own struggles in life as he has picked up his own ...
Built to Last – by Ed Dunn
Matthew 7:24-25 (NIV) - “Therefore everyone who hears these
words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built
his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the
winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it
had its foundation on the rock…”
As we’ve all been faced
with the fear and uncertainty caused by recent events, and many of our
normal rhythms and routines of life have been forced to change, at least
for the time-being, I’ve been reflecting on a favorite teaching Jesus
offered for just such a time as this.
In this passage,
Jesus presents the parable ...
September 2022
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Walking With Jesus – pg. 1
Our Daily Walk – pg. 2
Living in the Way – pg. 5
God Surrenders to Us in Love – pg. 6
Donkey Rescue – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
The Freedom to Forgive – by Ed Dunn
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17, NIV).
Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you – Jean Paul Sartre
Freedom lies in being bold – Robert Frost
I’ve been thinking about the words Freedom and Forgiveness a lot of late, considering how the two words may both work together and support one another. You see, two close friends of mine have recently had a falling out. These two close friends have had a falling out over a common source of strong opinion and emotional tension these days. Unfortunately, hurtful words have been exchanged and harmful events have ...
July 2022
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Unadorned Clay Pots – pg. 1
Freedom to Forgive – pg. 2
Thanks PTM - Keep On Rockin'! – pg. 5
The Band – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
June 2022
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Greg Albrecht: THIS is God – pg. 2
Ed Dunn: A Father's Gift – pg. 5
Brad Jersak: Does God Have Enemies? – pg. 7
A Renewal of Compassion – by Ed Dunn
The times in which we live have been, in a word, tough. The last two years have seen radical changes in our health, both mentally and physically, our nation, politically, racially and economically, and our world, as we try to move around it. It’s been easy of late to take up a position on any number of topics, to stop listening altogether to different points of view, and to see large groups of people as “other.” I know I’ve felt a strong pull towards this polarization, and the harmful attitudes that come along with it.
I take public transportation to every destination I can’t get to on foot. Given my eyesight condition, I gave up my ...
Reflecting On Grace by Ed Dunn
On a recent visit to see my parents, my mother caught me completely by surprise one morning after breakfast. With a smile on her face, she handed me a small treasure buried deep in the palm of her hand. She handed me a white-gold ring. “Here,” she said, “this was your great grandmother Grace’s engagement ring. I want you to have it.”
“Whoa, wow!!...really?!…my great grandmother’s engagement ring?” The thought of such a personal and precious item from my great grandmother so many years ago took me back. “I’m honored and flattered, mom, thank you so much!” Beyond that, I was speechless. I didn’t know what else to ...
Looking At Life From The Outside In – by Ed Dunn
Thirty-six years ago, I began to lose the ability to see whatever it was I was looking at directly. I began to lose my central vision. As a college freshman at the time, new to the Los Angeles, California area from the hills and hollows of rural Western Pennsylvania, I was already somewhat overwhelmed by my “big-city” environment. To suddenly and most unexpectedly face the deterioration of my eyesight, after a life of perfect, 20/20 vision to that point, I must admit, I was completely terrified. How would I go on? How would I find my way with so much of life yet ahead of me?
Following a long journey of eye doctor visits and the related ...
Doing the Work by Ed Dunn
I’ll never forget her words: Good job, Ed, good week - you are really Doing the Work! My counselor’s words would ring in my ears from the time I left her office until I would return again the following Friday afternoon. My counselor’s office had become a safe space, one I’d grown more comfortable within with each new visit. Week-in and week-out at a set time and within that comfortable space, her reinforcing message was clear: Keep Doing the work!
“A counselor?!” you may ask. “Why did you need a counselor, Ed?” That’s a fair question. As a follow-up to my last column entitled, Let the Past Be the Past, please allow me an ...
February 2022
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Ruth Tucker: Confronting Religious Shaming– pg. 2
Ed Dunn: Doing the Work– pg. 5
Greg Albrecht: Changed in the Presence of Pure Love – pg. 7
Let the Past Be the Past by Ed Dunn
Past and future veil God from our sight; let them both be burned up with fire. – Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Life can give us such precious moments - a wedding day, closing on a first-home purchase, the birth of a child, a high school or college graduation – all of these events can remain with us as some of the best memories we can experience in life.
Life can also present us with such difficulty and heartache at times - a bitter and contentious divorce, a financial mishap, parenting miss-steps which may have led to strained relationships with our children, health challenges and accidents – these types of events can reside with ...
The Joy of Thanksgiving by Ed Dunn
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving… (Psalm 95:1-3, NIV)
Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is. – Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
An amazing thing happens when we offer thanksgiving to God. When we give God enjoyment, our own hearts are filled with joy. - William Law
I can still remember several unmistakable signs that Thanksgiving Day would soon be upon us. I remember a cold so bracing I thought I caught the scent of ice in the air with each deep breath. I recall the smokey ...
Christ is Our Strength Within – By Ed Dunn
Friend and Partner Letter from September 2021:
Just as his insights graced our September 2020 letter, Ed Dunn returns to write our letter for September 2021. Ed is one of our key staff members, and he wears many hats. He contributes as a Board Member, a blogger, writer, and most recently, as the host of our monthly video This Month at PTM. He works with electronic and digital systems in our fulfillment center, and is one of the voices those who call 1-800-309-4466 hear.
Ed is an uplifting co-worker who enriches our office team and a fellow Friend and Partner with all of you, another team member who shares this ongoing work with you. We ...
September 2021
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Remembering 9-11 in the Wake of 2020 – pg. 1
We Believe – pg. 2
Think on These Things – pg. 5
Forgiveness and Apologies – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8