94 results for tag: Ed Dunn

May 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Is everything in the world getting worse and worse? – pg. 1 School Is Out! – pg. 2 God Knows Your Name – pg. 5 Grandma Said So – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

A Talk About the Bible – CWR Video

In this CWR Video, Brad Jersak and Ed Dunn discuss the topic of Bible study and several tools to get the most out of approaching scripture. https://vimeo.com/904160163 If this post has helped you, please subscribe and share it freely. We also invite you to help us continue to help others with a donation. Click here if you're able to partner with us

What’s In an Anniversary? – by Ed Dunn

Those that truly love have roots that grow towards each other underground. And when all the pretty blossoms have fallen from their branches, they find that they are one tree and not two – Louis de Bernieres …a three-fold cord is not easily broken – Ecclesiastes 4:12, KJV Marriage is not just spiritual communion - it is also remembering to take out the trash – Dr. Joyce Brothers I had the joyous opportunity last summer to join in with my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, and their significant others, to celebrate two landmark events: my mother’s 80th birthday and my parent’s 60th wedding anniversary. The two events, ...

Ephesians 2:8-10 – Ed Dunn

This Month at PTM - April 2024 Watch a short video and the message on "Ephesians 2:8-10" by Ed Dunn as he updates us on the latest from Christianity Without the Religion and Plain Truth Ministries. https://vimeo.com/923060769

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled by Ed Dunn

What a time we’ve lived through together these last few years! How could we have ever imagined a global virus that would lock us down for so long? Or social injustice and unrest that would threaten to tear our country apart?  And now, the war in the Ukraine. These have been troubling times, indeed. And yet, we now find ourselves in the midst of a new Easter season. As we do, what perspective can we see in the life of Jesus to help us face and feel his peace during troubling times such as these? The gospel account is well familiar to us during this special time of year. John 14:1-27 (KJV) gives us a glimpse into a conversation as Jesus ...

What Makes Plain Truth Ministries Different? – CWR Video

In this CWR Video, Brad Jersak and Ed Dunn explore the mission, ministry and audience we serve at Plain Truth Ministries. https://vimeo.com/897931279 If this post has helped you, please subscribe and share it freely. We also invite you to help us continue to help others with a donation. Click here if you're able to partner with us

The Conversations We Share – Ed Dunn

This Month at PTM - March 2024 Watch a short video and the message on "The Conversations We Share" by Ed Dunn as he updates us on the latest from Christianity Without the Religion and Plain Truth Ministries. https://vimeo.com/915765016

March 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: New Birth Through the Resurrection – pg. 1 What's in an Anniversary? – pg. 2 Prophecy Pays: The Gospel Frees – pg. 5 Inside and Out – pg. 6 Sidewalk Wrinkles – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Life in Christ Jesus – CWR Video

In this CWR Video, Brad Jersak and Ed Dunn explore what it means to live our lives in Christ Jesus, as Christ Jesus lives his life in us. https://vimeo.com/897925995 If this post has helped you, please subscribe and share it freely. We also invite you to help us continue to help others with a donation. Click here if you're able to partner with us

The 4 Nos of Our Life in Christ – Ed Dunn

This Month at PTM - February 2024 Watch a short video and the message on "The 4 Nos of Our Life in Christ" by Ed Dunn as he updates us on the latest from Christianity Without the Religion and Plain Truth Ministries. https://vimeo.com/904215369

A New Beginning – By Ed Dunn

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness - Lamentations 3:22-33, ESV I always approach the week between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve with the same set of mixed emotions: On the one hand, the Christmas season is nearly over, and I actually enjoy taking the colorful decorations off the tree, hauling the “now nearly brown” pine tree out to the curb, and tucking the “Christmas Day Decorations” boxes neatly back into storage for the next year. On the other hand, Christmas Day for another season has come and gone, and it always seems to pass me ...

January 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: A Tiny Ripple of Hope – pg. 1 Four No's of Our Lives in Christ – pg. 2 Ageism: Prejudice Against Our Future Selves – pg. 4 What's New? – pg. 6 Eden as a Metaphor – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

This Month at PTM – December 2023

Merry Christmas - Our Family in Christ - Watch a short video and the message on "Our Family in Christ" by Ed Dunn as he updates us on the latest from Christianity Without the Religion and Plain Truth Ministries. https://vimeo.com/889617843

The Love of Thanksgiving – by Ed Dunn

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever – 1 Chronicles 16:34 (NIV) O Lord that lends me life, lend me a heart replete with thankfulness – William Shakespeare Why do we love the Thanksgiving season so much here in North America? Why do so many say that Thanksgiving Day is one of their favorite holidays of the year? Along with our friends in Canada, Thanksgiving Day, although celebrated on different dates, remains a highlight of the Fall season, and an important beginning to the spiritual richness of the holiday season to come. Along with a deep joy and a quiet peace we delight in during this season, there is a ...

This Month at PTM – November 2023

Wonders of His Word: Watch a short video and the message on the "Wonders of His Word" by Ed Dunn as he updates us on the latest from Christianity Without the Religion and Plain Truth Ministries. https://vimeo.com/877249108

November 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: 60 Years Later... If JFK Could Talk – pg. 1 The Love of Thanksgiving – pg. 2 Should We Fear God? – pg. 5 A Sickness Unto Death – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

One Day at a Time? – by Ed Dunn

As you the reader know, I am fortunate to write a regular column for the Plain Truth Magazine entitled, One Day at a Time. I’ve been thinking more and more about why I titled this column as I have. What does, One Day at a Time really mean, and why is that title, and perspective in our lives, important? Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom states Psalm 90:12  (NIV). As I read what the Psalmist wrote of the work and wisdom of numbering, I believe that beginning with the number one may well be the best place to start. Living our lives simply and deliberately, one day at a time, can offer us a gift of perspective. ...

This Month At PTM – October 2023

Calls About Our Mission: Watch a short video and the message on "Calls About Our Mission" by Ed Dunn as he updates us on the latest from Christianity Without the Religion and Plain Truth Ministries. https://vimeo.com/864579707

Confronted by Christ – by Ed Dunn

Acts Chapter 9 tells us the story of Saul (soon to become Paul) on a path from Jerusalem to Damascus with a mandate in his hand. Charged and empowered by the High Priest, Saul was set to hunt down, arrest and bring the followers of Jesus to Jerusalem. Once in Jerusalem, it would seem Saul’s intent was to question, persecute and quite possibly, execute, the followers of Jesus, as he had done with Stephen (Acts 7:4 - 8:1). In telling this story, the book of Acts paints a picture of Saul as a man who was, in a word, diligent, in following his path, and in seeing his commission through to its end.     Not far from the gates of ...

Nothing Happens Until Everything Happens – by Ed Dunn

Friend and Partner Letter from September 2023 “…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6, NIV). To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often – Winston Churchill Does it ever feel to you like life just seems to stay the same, day-after-day, with little-to-no change in the events and circumstances we face? We can tend to settle into the natural rhythms of our daily lives, prayerfully, and live to the best of our ability one day at a time. Often, however, that one day at a time can come and go with such predictable ...