744 results for tag: daily sermon

What God Expects

Science tells us we are blobs of protoplasm. Psychology likens us to rats running through a maze. But who are we, and what does God expect of us? Greg discusses both what God does not expect and what he does expect from us.

Having the Experience — Missing the Meaning

There's a line in the musical "Cats" from T.S. Elliot which says, "We had the experience but we missed the meaning." Does that describe your life? Greg talks about spiritual maturity and how to avoid missing the meaning of our experiences.

The Pale Horse – Legalistic Religion Produces Dead Men Walking

Greg uses the pale horse in this last program of our four part series, The Four Horsemen of Legalism, to show that legalism produces people who seem to have life but are dead-men-walking. In contrast he talks about the life giving grace God offers us.

The Black Horse – Legalistic Religion is Bondage

This is the third program in our four part series, The Four Horsemen of Legalism, Greg shows how legalism has no life to give -- that it only gives bondage and leads to death. He explains that religious and legalistic teachings often become the "gospel" that is proclaimed rather than Jesus.

The Red Horse – Legalistic Religion Destroys Peace

In this second program of our four part series called The Four Horsemen of Legalism, Greg shows how legalism destroys peace, makes people miserable and distances us from God. If you think you may be involved in legalistic religion, you need to hear this program.

The White Horse — Legalistic Religion Conquers and Controls

In this first program of a four part series called The Four Horsemen of Legalism, Greg takes a look at the spirit of Anti-Christ -- at counterfeit Christianity -- at groups and people who fleece the flock rather than feed the flock and use God-talk to deceive and to conquer.

The Revelation about Human Accomplishment — The End of it All

In this last program of our 10-program series on the book of Revelation, Greg talks about Jesus' conclusion in his Revelation to us, as well as the heritage Jesus offers us in it.

The Music and the Millennium of the Book of Revelation

Included in Revelation's greatest hits is the song in chapter 5, "Worthy Is The Lamb," and a new song in chapter 15, "The Song of the Lamb," based on the song of Moses. What is the message of Revelation's music, and what is this thing called "the Millennium" all about?

Revelation: Plagues, Armageddon and the Fall of Babylon

Jesus Christ is the divine author, central character and hero of the Book of Revelation, but who are the bad guys? To whom was Revelation originally written and why was it written?

Revelation: Chapters 12-15 — The Woman and the Dragon

Who are the woman, the dragon, the Antichrist and the beast? Religion has perverted the message of Revelation for almost 2,000 years, but Greg shows how God's grace cuts through the religious fog and mystery promulgated by misinformed or misdirected teachers.

Revelation: The Sealing of the Saints and the 7th Seal

Who are the 144,000, and who are the "great multitude"? What are the woes and the trumpets all about? The book of Revelation -- a message from Christ to us of understanding and hope.

Revelation: Chapters 4-6 — The First 6 Seals

The Book of Revelation is the capstone on God's special, written revelation to humanity completing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Don't miss today's program as Greg talks about the first 6 of the 7 seals.

Messages to the Last 4 of the 7 Churches of Revelation

Greg shows the struggle between religion and grace already going on in the early churches addressed in the Book of Revelation. Jesus meant for the book of Revelation to give hope and comfort, not crippling fear.

Messages to the First 3 of the 7 Churches of Revelation

Greg strips away the religious barnacles from the book of Revelation as he begins our study of the seven churches of Revelation. He shows what the messages meant to the churches who first heard them and the relevance they have for us today.

Revelation and the Rapture Fable

Airplanes dive into the ground while cars and trucks crash together in mayhem as their pilots and drivers are "Raptured" to heaven. This scenario is not biblical -- relatively few Christians believe it is.

Revelation — A Book For You?

In manipulating their hearers with the book of Revelation's bizarre images and doomsday scenarios the purveyors of pop prophecy create much fear and misunderstanding.

When Trouble Comes

Many historians believe that the 21st century started on September 11, 2001, when murder and mayhem rained down on America. We live in a time of fear and trouble. What encouragement does the Bible offer? Greg talks about our certain security when trouble comes.


Do morals and values matter anymore? Greg relates "Eight Blunders of the World" among which are politics without principle, commerce without morality and rights without responsibility. He goes on then to talk about honesty -- about integrity, truth and character. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0203.mp3

Are You Qualified to Be a Christian?

If you had to prepare a resume to enter God's kingdom of heaven, what qualifications would you list? Greg talks about our Christian credentials -- what really qualifies us to be Christians. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0258.mp3    

All Show and No Go

Sometimes cars look sleek, fast and powerful, but are gutless wonders — all show and no go. Religion does that — it makes us more concerned with what people see and think about us than with the real substance of authentic Christianity — a one-on-one relationship with God.