748 results for tag: daily sermon
Here Is Your Mother
Celebrate Mother’s Day in the context of the love and admiration Jesus had for his mother.
Mothers and Grace
If you’ve ever munched on a bag of cookies you thought you purchased with your own “hard earned” money, only to find out that you were eating someone else’s cookies, you know the answer to the question: What do we have that we did not receive?
Wisdom in the Information Retrieval Age
Where is the wisdom that comes from heaven in this most educated and knowledgeable era in human history? What is that wisdom?
Don’t Be Afraid
No matter what might happen to us during this year, whether we might expect troubles and trials, or whether they may be unexpected, Jesus reaches out to us, comforting and assuring us, "Do not be afraid."
Prayer – What to Pray About
Prayer is an opportunity for us to listen to God -- we pray not so much that we can change God, but that he can change us. In this program Greg talks about our relationship with God in prayer.
Christianity = Freedom from Human Regulation
How do you define Christianity? Most people, Christian and non-Christian alike, would answer with a list of restrictions and taboos, but that's not a biblical definition of Christianity. Christianity = freedom from human regulations. Greg discusses what Colossians 2 tells us.
Despised and Rejected of Men
Jesus wasn't simply ignored or disliked. He was despised and rejected. What was the primary reason for the hatred directed at him?
Jesus’ Parents — What Were They Like?
The birth of Jesus was an unbelievable event - unique in many ways. Two people were immediately impacted by this uniqueness - Joseph and Mary - for Mary's pregnancy was different from any other. Jesus' parents - what were they like?