744 results for tag: daily sermon
Generosity and Resentment
Can we be generous and resentful at the same time?
God’s Love For You
Contrary to popular opinion, God is not waiting for you to make a mistake so he can punish you.
Free Forgiveness
Because of God’s free forgiveness, citizens of God’s kingdom have no outstanding spiritual debts.
Losing Your Religion — Embracing Grace
Religion is all about what you think you have done for God. Grace is all about what God has done for you. God’s grace will cause you to lose your religion.
Do You Really Want What You Deserve?
The good news is that because of God’s grace we do not get what we deserve.
The End of Religion
Jesus came to put an end to the oppressive demands of religion. Jesus didn’t and doesn’t care about all of the futile religious attempts to "get right with God" because in him God made it right.
Be Content – Trust In God
Jesus tells us that the faith he imparts to us will help us overcome any and all obstacles we may encounter. Pastor Greg talks about some of the obstacles we can overcome with the faith God gives us, by his grace.
Making All Things New
The focus of today’s sermon is that Christian life is always something new. Authentic Christianity often differs widely from the status quo of our culture. Authentic Christianity is also the precise opposite of religious traditions, prompting many in Christendom to protest, in a vain attempt to safeguard their traditions saying, "but, we’ve never done it that way before."
The True Riches
In today’s message, Pastor Greg shows how Isaiah is using money to draw attention to God’s amazing riches for us. Isaiah's message encourages us to buy into the heavenly economy of God's amazing grace.
You Belong To God
Many ask some form of the question, “Am I getting all I want, all I need, out of life?” Pastor Greg discusses that question in the light of Paul’s admonition that we “present our bodies as living sacrifices.”
K.I.S. Prayer
Pastor Greg talks about keeping prayer simple, sincere and heartfelt, and he discusses the relationship between life’s rough spots and prayer.
Saints and Sinners
Today's sermon assures us from the Bible that Christians are both saints and sinners at the same time and that Jesus does not turn his face from us.
When Your Religion Fails You
Pastor Greg shows that Christ’s invitation for us to come to him promises rest FROM religion, its legalism, its demands and its failure to give us rest.
Our Debt Forgiven
At dinner in a Pharisee’s house, Jesus forgave a harlot. Her debt was great, yet she was forgiven. You will be forgiven too, if you accept Jesus Christ as your savior, but if you try to do it on your own as the Pharisee did, then your debt remains.
Love and Suffering – Part 2
Discover an answer for your own pain and suffering, and that experienced by our loved ones, when it intersects with the love and suffering Jesus demonstrated and endured for us.
Love and Suffering – Part 1
We celebrate Mother's Day by considering the contrast Paul provides between Hagar, the slave woman, and Sarah, the free woman. We study human love and suffering from a Christ-centered perspective.
Here Is Your Mother
Celebrate Mother’s Day in the context of the love and admiration Jesus had for his mother.
Mothers and Grace
If you’ve ever munched on a bag of cookies you thought you purchased with your own “hard earned” money, only to find out that you were eating someone else’s cookies, you know the answer to the question: What do we have that we did not receive?
Wisdom in the Information Retrieval Age
Where is the wisdom that comes from heaven in this most educated and knowledgeable era in human history? What is that wisdom?
Helpless Christians
We can do nothing of eternal significance without the Holy Spirit working through us. The Holy Spirit eternally abides and lives in us — there is a permanence in that relationship.