747 results for tag: daily sermon
Experiencing His Peace
God’s peace is not something humans produce externally. God’s peace is his gift given to us by his grace, and we experience it internally, in our hearts and in our souls.
Intimacy With God
All humans yearn for intimacy, for relationship — and that’s exactly what God offers us! Reflect with us as we consider that without him, we cannot love him.
Prayer As a Way of Life
Worship and experience the Lord our Shepherd, as our message ponders what prayer is, and what it isn’t.
Little Children of the Kingdom
The disciples asked Jesus who would be the greatest in his kingdom. They asked the wrong question. The real question is, “By what right is anyone granted the kingdom?”
Organic Christianity – Causing Trouble All Over the World
Enjoy natural, non-processed, good-for-you, organic and alive Christianity — the very opposite of pre-cooked, overly processed, pre-digested, feel-good, tastes-great, dead religion.
God Wants YOU – Dead AND Alive
This week Greg discusses what Paul means when he says that we should count ourselves as “dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:11). Greg contends that being dead AND alive is the centerpiece and core essence of our spiritual identity.
What Are We Waiting For?
Comedian Bob Newhart used to say, preparing his audience for his spoof of some event or practice, “it might have gone something like this.” Join Greg as he reconstructs what early Christians might have been thinking 15 years after the first Pentecost.
What Is the Gospel? – Part 2
The gospel of Jesus Christ is in its own league, entirely different from any and all religion. Our message invites you to discover why God isn’t interested in human attempts to “roll our own” gospel.
What Is the Gospel? – Part 1
In this first of a two-part series about the gospel, we learn that the gospel is more than what Jesus said and did. The gospel was and is who Jesus is. Jesus is the gospel, and the gospel is Jesus.
Hooking Up With God
God’s relationship with you is far from the spiritual equivalent of a one night stand. Commitment and permanence are the basis of God’s relationship with you, and the foundation of how he wants you to know him.
He Loves Us More
God’s unconditional love is refreshing and welcome news for all of us, especially as we live in an increasingly polarized, fragmented world. Greg talks about God’s grace, and why we have difficulty grasping and accepting it.
Relational Prayer
Greg discusses religious innovations, teachings, traditions and interpretations about prayer and contrasts them with Christ-centered, relational prayer. Prayer is a critical part of your relationship with God.
The Kingdom of Service
Jesus came to this earth to serve, not to be served - and he invites us as Christians to live a life of service. How do you really feel about being a servant of the Lord?
I Make All Things New
Come together with us as we pray for those in religious bondage. Worship God with us, worship our Savior who transforms all things, especially human hearts.
What Is God Looking For?
David was not among the final contestants for the prophet Samuel’s American Idol-like judging for the new king of Israel. What God is actually looking for surprised everyone then — and it still does.
What Will it Be – Raisin Cakes or God?
Greg preaches from the book of Hosea about the greatest love story of all. Come prepared to know and experience the profound dimensions of God's amazing love. It's a story about real people. It's a story about you and me.
What Really Matters?
Greg asks, “Have you ever tried to get sin out of your life? How did that work out for you?” We focus on “What Really Matters”.
The Law Came Through Moses — Grace and Truth Came Through Jesus Christ
There are two ways to relate to God. When God sent us the law, he sent it through Moses. When he brought us grace, he delivered it himself, in the person of Jesus.
The Ministry of Death — or The Ministry of Life?
God speaks to us, through Paul, in 2 Corinthians 3:6-8. We have a choice: dead religion — formulaic, the same-old, menu-driven spiritual rituals and ceremonies— or — dynamic, exuberant relational life in Christ? Which will it be?
A Storm, a Ship and a Harbor
Come with us on a journey — a storm, a ship that encounters the storm and the harbor that awaits the end of a turbulent voyage. It’s all about your relationship with God.