744 results for tag: daily sermon
Jesus — And Now — Someone Completely Different
During his earthly ministry Jesus was not what anyone expected. More than that, the risen Lord who is ever present with us continues to turn our human expectations upside down.
Jesus Is Looking For You
Consider the lengths to which Jesus goes as he looks for each and every one of us. Give glory to God who brings Light into the dark places of our lives.
“But Even If He Does Not…”
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego -- it’s a revered story we all know — but what is the real moral of this story we read in the book of Daniel?
The Enemy of Faith
Jesus does not promise to keep us from the storms of life, but he will endure them with us and never forsake us. We have an enemy during the storms of our lives that can be conquered through Jesus.
My Father and Your Father
As we celebrate Father's Day we celebrate earthly fathers and we worship our heavenly Father, giving thanks that 1) we have a heavenly Father who is God and 2) a God we know as Father.
Wanted: More Working Fathers!
So many children today, like sheep, are harassed and helpless. Today we focus on what our heavenly Father can and will enable earthly fathers to do and be for their children.
He Can’t Stop Loving You!
Days before his own brutal death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, Jesus stood before a tomb and demanded that death release Lazarus. Lazarus came forth -- just as we all can -- because of the limitless love of God.
The Tragedy of Denial
Peter learned the lesson we all do -- sin will take us farther than we want to go and cost us more than we want to pay. But the good news is that Jesus does not hold the fact that we have denied him against us. The cross of Christ, and his resurrection, is good news!
Karma Or Grace
Karma is a "you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours" cause and effect philosophical assumption that what goes around comes around. This religious idea is universal -- the idea that we get what we deserve. But what does the gospel say?
The Gospel of Lazarus
We turn our attention to the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. Greg discusses the implications of this parable in our world of "bad news religion."
Cleansed From the Muck and Mire of Religion
In this service we consider the vision given to the Apostle John of a great multitude in white robes as a picture of God’s kingdom of heaven. Join us as we discuss the kind of people you might meet in heaven.
Spiritual Vision
The Christian journey is a pilgrimage from darkness to light. This week the body of Christ joins Jesus as he travels to Jerusalem, a journey that ends as eternal light explodes out of the darkness of his tomb.
Purpose in Diversity
Greg discusses the purpose God gives his diverse human family and that as Christians we can lose our purpose if we lose our focus on Jesus.
Who Are You?
The goal of the TV series CSI is to find out what happened at the crime scene. Jesus will visit our personal crime scene, and by his blood, and the power of his resurrection, give us new life.
Gone Fishing
We invite you to go fishing with Jonah, Moby Dick, The Old Man and the Sea and Jesus' disciples on the Sea of Galilee.
Help Is On the Way
Today's sermon is for those who find themselves lost in a spiritual desert, baked by the blazing sun, desperately trying to find some shade, and above all, some life-giving water. The good news is that there is no “God-forsaken” place in which we may find ourselves where God is not present. Help is on the way!
The Man in the Middle
Greg’s sermon focuses on Jesus as our man in the middle, in the middle of our lives and trials, reconciling us to God.
God Is Faithful
Given enough time, human beings will eventually let you down. But God can always be relied upon. God always comes through.
Child-like Belief
Spiritual re-birth from God renders us child-like again. What can we learn about faith from the trusting, open attitude of a child?
Building God’s House
The body of Christ is bigger than any human enterprise can encompass or represent. God is building our eternal home.