747 results for tag: daily sermon

The Gift of Giving

As we approach Thanksgiving, our sermon shows that God's grace working in and through us will lead us to give generously and cheerfully without compulsion. You might say that God's grace gives us an incredible insider trading tip -- enabling us to invest in the eternal kingdom of God!

Real Christianity

Ask ten people in the parking lot of your supermarket or shopping mall to describe a real Christian, and you’ll probably get ten different answers! Join Greg in further exploring real Christianity.

Desperation Meets Grace

Through the story of Ruth we can learn that our misery meets God’s mercy at the foot of the cross of Christ. God takes our disgrace and transforms it into his grace.

Going to the Dogs

Join Greg as he studies a desperate Canaanite woman whom Jesus calls a “dog.” Isn’t Jesus loving, compassionate, merciful and gentle? Wasn’t it completely out of character for him to call this woman who fell at his feet a “dog”?

Let Us Make God in Our Own Image

In our consumer-driven world, religion attempts to meet "felt-needs" - scrambling to give people the health and wealth they want, while Jesus calls us to suffering - to come and follow him. Are we attempting to remake God in our image or yielding to him so that he might transform us into his?

Being In Christ

The friendship Jesus offers us is not the same as being a member of a religious club. Martin Luther once said, “Where Christ is there he goes against the flow.” Buildings, budgets and baptisms can diminish and devalue the personal relationship God in Christ offers.

To Be or Not To Be?

Just as athletic coaches remind their players that there is no “I” in team Christians realize that there is no “I” in the body of Christ. The body of Christ is truly one for all and all for one — that’s what it means to be in Christ.

The Battle About the Bible

For centuries just what exactly the Bible is and what it isn’t has caused splits and divisions within Christianity. Join Greg as he weighs in, based on Jesus’ teaching in John 5:39-40, on the significance of the Bible in your life.

A Time of Soul-Searching

Holocaust Remembrance Day is more than a day, and more than the story of the Jewish Holocaust - it's about the brutal oppression of people, throughout history - more often than not, atrocities and abuse carried out in the name of religion.

Before You Decide You Know-It-All

We can all find ourselves thinking that we know more, spiritually, than almost anyone — and that we are spiritually superior to others, because of the “truth” we have that others don’t. Join Greg for some humble pie!

A Canary in a Coal Mine

Canaries used to serve in coal mines as an early warning system for miners because they are extremely sensitive to toxic gases. Join Greg as he talks about the help we can all receive detecting spiritually toxic teaching.

Hooked On a Feeling

Addictions are everywhere, even in supposedly sacred and holy places! Join us as Greg explains how to unplug from religion and its addictions, and connect with God and his amazing grace.

Grace… Up on the Roof

It’s got all the elements of a Hollywood action-thriller — spies, adventure, suspense, military conflict and of course sex. It’s one of the most improbable stories of God’s lavish, unpredictable, and by human standards, scandalous grace.

Intimacy With God

God is absolutely and totally head-over-heels in love with you! He doesn’t just want you to know about him, he wants you to know him, up close and personal. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR209.mp3

Let Go and Let Christ

In our message based on the book of Colossians, we turn our hearts to the centrality of Christ, who has disarmed powers and authorities, making a spectacle of them, and triumphing over them (Colossians 2:15). He is the wind beneath our wings.

When Religion Meets God’s Grace

Grace … is an epic confrontation, with staggering implications and consequences. Jesus spoke of a time when people would kill others thinking they would be “offering a service to God” (John 16:3). That’s the bad news — but there is incredibly good news which by far outweighs murder and mayhem.

Two Different Worlds (Part 3 of 3)

Are we physical beings having a spiritual experience, or spiritual beings trapped in a physical world. Join us as Greg addresses that question, explaining how, by God’s grace, we are united in Christ.

Two Different Worlds (Part 2 of 3)

Our world has been invaded, and we are not alone! Because of the love of Christ, we can live in two dimensions.

Two Different Worlds (Part 1 of 3)

As Christians we live in a parallel world, a physical and a spiritual world of belief and disbelief, of doubt and of faith. Join Greg as he teaches from Jesus’ statement to Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world … my kingdom is from another place” (John 18:36).

Religion Happens When We Lose Sight of Christ

Our service is based on Colossians 2:6-8, and explains the critical importance of being “rooted and built up in him.”