747 results for tag: daily sermon

The Carnal God

Because of the infinite love of God, Jesus was incarnated as God in the flesh - so that he might fully know us and so that we might know him. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR512.mp3

The Three M’s

Many activities surround Christmas - sometimes the busy-ness of it all might even obscure the actual meaning of the birth of Jesus.   https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR511.mp3

Shame and Scandal

Jesus' birth, as well as his life and death, were surrounded by shame and scandal, yet the real shame and scandal was not then easily observed nor is it easily believed now. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR461.mp3

The Crib and the Cross

The crib and the cross of Jesus Christ are the bookends of his human earthly life - the bookends of the greatest love story ever told. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR459.mp3    

The Visitor

Christmas is a time when we became a "visited planet." God in the person of Jesus personally delivered a message for each one of us. The message? God is for you. He's your friend. He's on your side. God's favor rests on you. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR096.mp3    

Let It Be

Mary's pregnancy was different from that of many other women in the Bible - Mary was not desperately hoping to become pregnant. The most momentous birth in all of history is a departure from other biblical birth stories. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR095.mp3

He Made Himself Nothing

The great American dream involves becoming someone and amounting to something. Parents hope their children will “make something” of themselves. But there was someone whose sole purpose was the precise opposite. Jesus was born so that he could become nothing.

Jesus — Our Servant

Why did God in the person of Jesus come into our world? To die for our sins, to set us free, to win the victory over sin and death. True -- those answers dominate our lists, but one of the most important reasons is that Jesus came to serve us.

God With Us

There are two realities about Jesus that are extremely difficult for us to grasp because they lay outside of our human experience, yet they are absolute bedrock elements of our Christian faith.

The Sacred and the Secular

Christmas has always presented a challenge to humanity. Some take 12 days to celebrate it; on the other hand, the Puritans outlawed it and even today some cults say Christmas is wrong. The birth of Christ asks the question, “What do we do with this Christ who was born?”

The Search for Jesus

God brings interesting situations into our lives so we can "find" Him. The story of the Magi, or Wise Men, and their determined but difficult trip to find Jesus has some interesting parallels for our own lives.

When God Became a Man

Jesus didn't put on a mask and pretend to be a human. He didn't use make up or have cosmetic surgery so that he would appear to be human. Such was his love for you and me he actually became one of us! https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR249.mp3

Ships That Pass In the Night

Jonah started out thinking he was on the same page as God, but as his ministry continued, he found out that he and God were more like two ships passing in the night.

The Temple David Could Not Build

The life of King David helps us to understand that God does not expect us to build spiritual edifices for him, that’s what he does for us!

Is It Time to “Hunker Down?”

Some believe and preach that the end is here… again! Is this the time of the end? Is it time for us to “hunker down”?

God’s Grace — When Trouble Comes

The dynamic life of grace Jesus lives within us, flows out of us as we walk with him through the good and bad times. In troubled times, God’s grace will “watch over your coming and your going” (Psalm 121).

Thanksgiving – More Than Just a Day

The act of giving thanks is not natural - on the physical level it must be taught and learned, while on the spiritual level it is a divine gift, an expression of the evidence of the gift of God, granted by his grace.

Thankful For Life In Christ

When we give thanks to God we recognize we are not entitled to anything from him, for he owes us nothing. Yet, while we do not deserve his grace, he lavishes his grace and mercy on us.

The Grace of Gratitude

Grace produces Thanksgiving! The more we realize how undeserving we are of God’s amazing grace the more his grace produces profound gratitude in our lives.

Giving Thanks to the Master

In the final analysis, we are thankful not for things or a "what"-but a Who. In the ultimate and final sense, our thanksgiving is for the immeasurable grace of our Master.