747 results for tag: daily sermon
Power, Love and Sound Discipline
What are YOU afraid of? What are your biggest fears? Join us as we discover how God's grace deals with the shame that is at the root of our fears.
Small Is Beautiful
The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed. God grows the kingdom according to his timing and plan, by his grace. He does not depend on human efforts in so doing, and in fact, many times human efforts get in the way and pervert the idea of God's kingdom.
No More Condemnation
Shame and guilt is a spiritual swamp - shame is normally connected with how we feel about who we are, and guilt is normally understood about things we have done. Shame = I am bad, whereas guilt = I did something bad. We will explore and study what Paul means when he says "no more condemnation."
Our Father
Some call the sample prayer Jesus gave us "The Lord's Prayer" and others call it "Our Father." Join us as we study the implications and significance of the meaning behind this short prayer in Matthew 6:9-13.
Forgiving Others Because God Has Forgiven Us
Join Greg as he explains that God's forgiveness is not conditional on our forgiveness of others, as many believe. God's forgiveness goes far beyond the absence of a penalty - God's forgiveness is his presence.
Who Shall Separate Us?
Just as young children experience separation anxiety, so too do God's children. During those times when all that we can see or feel may lead us to think that God no longer cares about us, according to our keynote passage in Romans 8:31-39 we can always be assured of the love of Christ.
It’s Turtles All the Way Down
What do turtles have to do with the foundation of our solar system? Join us as we discuss the foundation of all that is, seen or unseen.
Healing – Beyond Mere Recovery
Healing in and by Christ is not simply a matter of receiving back something you once had - it's receiving something you never had before.
A Matter of Life or Death
Our freely-given relationship with God is literally a matter of life or death. As we prepare to remember his death and celebrate his resurrection, we turn our minds and hearts to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith.
How God Chooses His Team
When Jesus chose his disciples, his decision wasn't based on who had the best personality or who showed the most academic promise - how does God choose us for his team, exactly?
His Love Endures Forever
God's hesed love does not give us immunity from pain and suffering. God's hesed love isn't always immediate pleasant or easy, but it declares that he will stop at nothing to demonstrate his unending love for you and me.
God’s Grace Has You Covered – Pt 2
God's grace is sufficient - there is enough of his grace to cover you and me during our suffering. In Christ we see God's grace personified and exemplified - he entered into our pain so that we might grow and mature in him.
God’s Grace and Our Pain – Pt 1
In this first of a two-part series on pain and suffering we ponder the paradox Paul explained - when he was physically weak he was strong (2 Corinthians 12:10). Join us as we discover that in Christ our suffering does not need to be meaningless and how God can transform us in the midst of our pain.
As If He Needed Anything
Paul told the Athenians that they were very religious because their gods needed them. The one true God, according to Paul, doesn't gain or profit nor is he in anyway enhanced by human attention or activity.
Whatever Happened To … ?
Fads, fashions and conspiracy theories so popular in some parts of Christendom are often here today and gone tomorrow, in contrast with Jesus who "is the same yesterday and today and forever"
Wake Up and Grow Up
If you have ever wondered about the line from the children’s prayer –..if I should die before I wake… then you do not want to miss Greg’s opposing suggestion: how about praying ..help me wake up before I die..
Seeking the Kingdom
As we discuss the kingdom of God, we will take some time to study five specific facets of God’s love that illustrate his kingdom.
The Highest Calling
Dale Carnegie taught about how to win friends and influence people, whereas Jesus offered a kingdom where power is not defined by riches or fame and where leaders are identified as servants.
See How He Loves You
Join Greg for a discussion of God's love, as centered and defined in the cross of Christ, illustrated by the differences C.S. Lewis noted between all-too-human Need Love and divinely given Gift Love.
God Believes In You!
Had someone betrayed, abandoned and disavowed us the way Peter denied Jesus, we would have a hard time ever talking to that person again. But after his resurrection Jesus made sure that Peter knew he still believed in him.