747 results for tag: daily sermon
Jesus Rocks … And He Rules!
We invite you to an Easter celebration. We will not simply honor the legacy of a good man, a man who once was. We will celebrate the Rock, the cornerstone of our faith, our risen Lord, who is, who triumphed over death and the grave.
New Hope
We will journey with two of Jesus' disciples on the road to Emmaus, as they left Jerusalem convinced all was lost. Jesus walked with them, just as he is walking down life's roads with us today.\\
Good News From the Cemetery
Breaking news :live from the empty tomb! The good news of Easter is that it was impossible for death to claim the body of Jesus. Nothing is impossible for God. HE IS RISEN!
Why Did Jesus Die?
The first answer that might occur to you - to this question - might not be the complete answer. Join us as we consider the full and complete answer to the question, Why Did Jesus Die?
Go to Him Outside the Camp
Just as Jesus entered into the dark places of religion so that he could overthrown and overcome it, he invites you and me to leave the camp/city of Christ-less religion, and never look back.
Sorrow and Joy
Palm Sunday when we commemorate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem was a joyous occasion as was Jesus' resurrection one week later. Those two joyful events were bookends to a week of sorrows. Greg's sermon focuses on the meaning of Jesus entering the city.
Crucified Identities
"How are you?" is a common greeting. Even when the person who says those words really wants to know how we are, and while how we are is important for the here and now, who we are is critically important on this and the other side of eternity.
Resting In Christ Alone
Christ-less religion explains that we must work first, and then God will give us his rest. But, as it so often is, the truth of the gospel is the precise opposite! The invitation of Jesus is to his rest, in which he then empowers us to work and become the workmanship of God.
The Best Wedding Ever!
To know Jesus is to know and experience new wine, the dynamic message of God's grace that frees us from confining and restrictive old wine skins of stale, musty and oppressive institutionalized religion.
It’s a Covenant, NOT a Contract!
While many make the mistake of assuming the relationship God offers each of us is more like a contract than a covenant, we should not make another mistake by assuming covenants don't involve counting the cost.
The Supremacy of Jesus Christ
Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, Jesus is the one "who is, who was and who is to come" (Revelation 1:8). Jesus is supreme, the author of our salvation, the center of all that we believe and the completion of our faith.
Christ In You, the Hope of Glory
Jesus Christ is "the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations" (Colossians 1:26). In Christ we find meaning, significance and hope, even in the midst of suffering.
Love Your Enemies
As we study the radical call of Jesus to love our enemies we realize that the "business as usual" teaching of Christ-less Christendom allows for Christians to kill their enemies - in fact it allows for Christians killing each other.
Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy
Hebrews 11 is filled with praise for world changers who, as revolutionary Christ followers, believed and practiced the life changing extreme grace of the gospel. God is calling each of us to be world changers!
Our Sure Foundation
The foundation is the most important part of any spiritual or physical building/house, yet it is normally unseen and unappreciated. What does biblical teaching about our spiritual foundation being in Christ alone specifically mean for us?
Who Gets In?
The book of Acts records God directing Philip to meet and embrace the Ethiopian eunuch - that event guides our thinking as we contrast religious elitism and exclusivism with the inclusive invitation and welcome God extends to everyone.
The Cost of Following Jesus
Christ followers are willing to "throw off everything that hinders" them and place him first and foremost in their lives.
Growing Old(er) Grace-fully
No matter how old you are, God is not yet finished with you! We'll concentrate on four keys to growing old grace-fully.
Take Away the Religious Rocks
Jesus meets us at our times of loss, grief and despair. This week we revisit the tomb of Lazarus, and we celebrate his resurrection. Our passage reminds us that Jesus invites us into the work of helping to remove the grave clothing of dead works that cling to so many, helping to take away the religious rocks that imprison those who are bound in religious tombs.
Lessons Learned
Greg shares five of the lessons he has learned, in his journey in and with Christ, and invites you to make your own list - and for that matter, think about the lessons we ask God, by his grace, to continue to teach us.