747 results for tag: daily sermon

Extravagant Love

A dinner in Jesus' honor is sandwiched between the death and resurrection of Lazarus and Jesus. With the smell of death in the air, Mary, Lazarus' sister, pours out an extravagant act of love.

Running With Horses

One of the great travesties and tragedies of modern Christendom is the idea that Christianity means having your best life, in terms of health and wealth, now. When Jeremiah complained about his fiery trials, God told him that he hadn't run with the horses yet.

He Touched Me

When Jesus healed a leper he gave a bear hug to someone who was considered untouchable, even by religious priests. Join us as we consider the significance of Jesus' embrace.

Forgiveness – The Rubber Hits the Road!

C.S. Lewis once observed that everyone thinks forgiveness is a good idea until they have someone to forgive. That's when the rubber hits the road.

He Must Become Greater, I Must Become Less

Join us as we consider the remarkable, gracious, Christ-centered words of John the Baptist, as he said that Jesus must become greater while his own ministry must lessen.

Reckless Love

Everyone knows that dying on a cross is unsafe, but that's exactly what Jesus did. The cross of Christ is the perfect illustration and demonstration of God's reckless love.

Little People

Inside a big, ornate religious building Jesus pointed out one of the little people to his disciples - a defenseless, vulnerable and preyed upon woman who was in religious bondage.

Surprised By Grace

The parable of the Sheep and the Goats teaches us that God's grace is shocking because it insists that Jesus is absolutely the center of our lives - far more important than paying our dues and keeping our religious accounts in order.

Jesus – The End of Religion

The gospel of Jesus Christ has already declared Christ-less religion to be as dead and obsolete as the do-do bird. Jesus, on the other hand, is the epitome and personification of God's dynamic, enduring and eternal grace.

Extreme Love Or Extreme Hate

We remember the historic contributions of Martin Luther King Jr, who, as a Christ follower, confronted extreme hate, standing by the extreme love of God, which produces freedom in Christ.

Dancing With God

We can understand the love relationship God has, and which defines him as who he is, and the relationship he extends to us as a dance of grace and harmony.

God Alone Can Draw Us to Jesus

Some speak of humans whom they feel were instrumental in “leading them” to Christ, and others speak of “finding God.” But these assertions are fatally flawed for they minimize and diminish the gospel of Jesus Christ!   https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR373.mp3

The End-less Choices of Christ-less Religion

Is your relationship with God best defined by the choices and decisions you make, or the choice God has made in extending an invitation to you?

God’s Grace Fills Our Emptiness!

Much emptiness and disillusionment is caused by a small god, a cheap substitute for and counterfeit of the God revealed in and through Jesus. God's love and grace is vast and astonishing, more than enough for all of our needs.

Being Clothed With Christ

The Bible has a lot to say about clothing and its significance, and it is never more meaningful than when it speaks of being adorned with Christ.

Our Partner In Prayer

When we pray we want to say the right thing using the right words, but sometimes the right words don't come - at such times we have a Partner who helps.

A Brand New Start

When you die and arrive at the pearly gates of heaven, why should God let you in? Greg’s sermon shines the spotlight of grace on spiritual transformation, as we center our worship in and on our Lord and Savior.   https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR062.mp3

You Are Witnesses

Greg talks about what it means to be a witness of our risen Lord -- what it involves and what it doesn’t. Join us as we worship our risen Lord and ponder how God, in his grace, shares the good news with others.   https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR061.mp3

Easter Is Disturbing!

Easter is a mystery because it transcends our predictable world. The resurrection of Jesus can be disturbing because it insists on a God who is, in Christ, unending and rupturing the natural order of things.   https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR427.mp3

Easter Never Ends

When all the eggs are gathered and when all the ham has been consumed, Jesus remains. His resurrection is more than a day, for it never ends! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!   https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/RCWR372.mp3