745 results for tag: daily sermon
Samson and …?
The life of Samson is filled with scandal and sleaze, yet perhaps one of its great lessons for us is seen in the context of Jesus Christ, so that we realize that no matter how far we may have run from God, God is always near.
Grace Poured Out
The elements of bread and wine/juice instituted by Jesus are symbols of the limitless favor and lavish grace of God, poured out on us without measure.
Grace = No Condemnation
There is no place in the gospel for continually finding fault, threats and intimidation, even when Christ-less religion says that the end justifies the means.
A 58-Word Sermon
How long must a sermon be, or how short can it be? Join Greg as he looks at the example of Jesus, and at how Jesus must be the center of all sermons.
The Road Less Taken
The road, path or way we walk is a symbol of our commitment to the direction we are headed and evidence of our thanksgiving to Jesus who invites us to walk with him.
Trusting In God Alone
Though a husband or wife, son or daughter, parent or friend might fail or betray us - should the bank close and the stock market crash - though doctors are unable to perform miracles - we are assured that our ultimate and unreserved trust is in God alone.
How Grace “Works”
God "works out" and produces his good purpose, workmanship and handiwork in our lives, because he has already "worked in" the life of our risen Lord.
Let’s Make a Deal!
If you want to make a deal and bargain, then you'll want performance-based, Christ-less religion. Bargaining and making deals with God is the heart and core of religion. God doesn't do religion - God does grace!
The Dark Night of the Soul
In Christ, even during dark and troubling times of suffering, grief and loss, we may find significance and purpose. Join Greg as he discusses what Paul longed for, as he yearned to know the power of Jesus' resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings.
From Garbage and Manure to New Life
The riches and treasures of God's grace arrive in amazing and miraculous ways in our lives, often coming from something that seems to have little or no value. God is in the recycling business!
Destroyed But Not Defeated
As Christ-followers, when we give our best in the face of overwhelming odds, we are assured that because of Christ we might be destroyed but never defeated.
Retribution… Or Restoration…?
God is concerned with relationship, expressed as restoration, redemption and reconciliation; rather than religion, which is so often defined as retribution, rules, revenge, and retaliation.
Your Kingdom Come
HIS kingdom is 1) for everyone, 2) does not depend on our prayers or efforts, 3) is a kingdom like no other and 4) is past, present and future.
The Mother of Us All
Paul’s allegory (Galatians 4) of Sarah and Hagar is filled with extensive, far-reaching spiritual implications and illustrations of our relationship with God.
A Mother’s Legacy
Join us as we give thanks for mothers and the critical role they play in the lives of their children.
Forgiveness Is a Journey
Mother's Day is a perfect time to focus on forgiveness! Forgiveness is a day by day journey with and in Christ. It's a life-long process, an attitude, a way of life we lead that is produced in and through us by our risen Lord.
You Are Loved!
While we may often think of biblical examples where the picture of a human father is used to explain God's love, maternal examples used in the Bible are equally important. Join us for Mother's Day as we place the spotlight on God's unconditional love for all humanity.
Extravagant Love
A dinner in Jesus' honor is sandwiched between the death and resurrection of Lazarus and Jesus. With the smell of death in the air, Mary, Lazarus' sister, pours out an extravagant act of love.
Running With Horses
One of the great travesties and tragedies of modern Christendom is the idea that Christianity means having your best life, in terms of health and wealth, now. When Jeremiah complained about his fiery trials, God told him that he hadn't run with the horses yet.
He Touched Me
When Jesus healed a leper he gave a bear hug to someone who was considered untouchable, even by religious priests. Join us as we consider the significance of Jesus' embrace.