742 results for tag: daily sermon

Mary–Falling Into Favor

If you knew that a gift would bring you great joy but also some hardships, would you accept it? Greg talks about Mary’s response to the Angel Gabriel’s announcement that she would be the mother of God and that God has offered us an incredible gift.

No Longer Home Alone

Do you feel empty, lonely, spiritually adrift in a vast wasteland of meaningless existence? The birth of Jesus Christ means we don't have to feel that way. Listen as Greg Albrecht talks about the implications of "God with Us." https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0089.mp3    

Joseph – Standing in the Shadows

How many Christmas cards have you ever seen with Joseph cradling Jesus in his arms? He always seems to be in the shadows of Christmas -- a man of few words but called to action. Listen to today's program to see what we can learn from Joseph. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0088.mp3    

Sample One of Our Daily Radio Messages

"No Room in the Inn" Have you ever been left out, missed the cut, failed to make the team or been laid off? Without power, money, talent or good looks our culture often has no room for us. You know the same thing happened to Jesus .. when he was born there was no room in the inn. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0297.mp3 Links to Our Daily Radio We hope that our articles and resources bring comfort, hope, encouragement, and healing to our readers. If you’re experiencing that, please subscribe freely, share freely, and, if you’re able, please consider donating freely toward paying it forward by clicking the blue giving at ...

No Room in the Inn

Have you ever been left out, missed the cut, failed to make the team or been laid off? Without power, money, talent or good looks our culture often has no room for us. You know the same thing happened to Jesus .. when he was born there was no room in the inn.

The Lamb of God — Part 2

Is God unfair? Why does He allow so much suffering, any suffering? The birth of Jesus, the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world, has so much to tell us about all of the suffering in today's world. His birth brings meaning to our own lives of hurt and pain.

The Lamb of God — Part 1

From the very beginning before the boundaries of our physical lives, time and space — before planet earth — before all that we know — Jesus' birth as the Lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world was determined.

The Golden Rule

A form of the golden rule is used by many parents to teach children how to think of the needs and concerns of others, but it's usually not the Golden Rule. It's a variation of it and a powerful illustration of how humans often turn the gospel of Jesus Christ into religion. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0287.mp3  


Thanksgiving sneaks up on people and presents a unique dilemma: though united in celebrating Thanksgiving there is much disagreement about giving thanks and to whom to give it.

Christian Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a time for Christians in particular to pause and reflect. Greg talks about Christian gratitude -- a kind of gratitude that transcends normal human appreciation -- that reaches beyond materialistic and surface happiness into a deeper and more profound spiritual joy.

In All Things — Give Thanks

Have we forgotten the blessings we've been given and the God who makes them possible? Thanksgiving is rooted in the gratitude we have to God because he is the giver of every good and perfect gift.

An Attitude of Gratitude

Thanksgiving is not just a national holiday -- it's an important part of being a Christian. When we truly understand the reasons for being thankful, we can't stop ourselves from expressing our appreciation to God.

Things That Bog Us Down

Have you ever gotten your car stuck in mud -- the more you tried to get out the more you got bogged down? A similar thing can happen spiritually -- we get stuck in the swamp of religion -- bogged down in a sea of spiritual mud. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0264.mp3  

Overcoming Religion

In their religious zeal, some churches conceal the Good News of Jesus Christ from their members. Christians need to scrape the religious barnacles off of Good Ship Christianity and leave religion behind in order to know our Lord and Savior in the fullness of his goodness. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0263.mp3  

Two Women – Two Ways of Life

Sarah was barren so she had her slave, Hagar, be a surrogate mother of sorts, but later Sarah had a child of her own. The apostle Paul used the story of their resulting conflict to illustrate the conflict between the old covenant of law and the new covenant of grace. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0286.mp3  

The Condensed Gospel

What two words would you use to summarize the gospel? In two words how would you define God, what he stands for and what he's all about? What is the condensed gospel? Be sure to catch Greg's discussion of which words work and which words don't. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0285.mp3  

We Need a Grace Revolution

Our natural state spiritually is that we're dead corpses -- among the walking dead. How does God determine that you will be saved? On what basis? How much of your salvation is up to you -- does God expect you to do everything you can and then he'll do the rest? https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0283.mp3  

Legalism, License or Liberty?

Legalism and license are two ways people lead their lives that lead to destruction. Many people follow these two opposing paths that are in their own ways popular and enticing, but the third way, liberty in Christ -- freedom in Christ, is found by only a few. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0282.mp3  

The Master Heresy and Greatest Lie

Do these teachings sound familiar? "You're the most important person in the universe, the master of your own destiny, truth for you is what you decide it is and you can do everything necessary to save yourself." Greg talks about the "Master Heresy and Greatest Lie". https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0281.mp3  

The State of Christianity

What is the world at large thinking about Christianity when it sees the circus antics of some Christian TV, religion posing as the gospel and people playing the "church game"? Authentic Christianity exposes the bad-news imposters freeing us for the good news of Christ. https://www.ptm.org/mp3/FreeDwnld/PTR0280.mp3