745 results for tag: daily sermon
A Love That Really Does Conquer All
God, in the person of Jesus, didn't just lecture us from on high, instructing us to love other people. He came down here and provided a demonstration of his love.
Hope – Even in Desperate Times
The real Christmas story is not a Pollyanna escape from the real world. The birth of Jesus takes place against the backdrop of politics and intrigue, pride, hatred, violence, taxes and poverty. It all sounds like the evening news or the morning paper!
From the Pasture to the Palace
Our career and avocation, as Christians, involves being humble, even as our Chief Shepherd exemplified humility in all aspects of his birth, life, death and resurrection. This week's sermon leads us to consider the humble beginnings of the earthly life of our Lord and the relevance it has for our lives.
Peace Arrives!
Our Savior, who rescues us from danger, disaster and destruction has arrived! The peace of God is a new kind of peace, not a relative calm between storms, but an abiding, eternal, internal peace give to those who can never deserve it nor ever do anything to merit it.
The Long Wait
The sermon speaks to our long wait, waiting for “the blessed hope.” Greg encourages us to "live and experience December" - to fix our eyes and our spiritual compass on Jesus, and recommit to receiving God's grace.
The Comfort of Christ
As we begin a season of anticipating the coming of Jesus, Greg's sermon is based on Isaiah's prophecy of Christ as comforter.
God in the Manger
Many of us are more willing to accept Jesus Christ as the helpless, dependent baby in the manger than as Lord of our lives. We don’t want to hear how he challenges our beliefs and our way of life, but the central truth of Christmas is that the baby in the manger is God!
Coming to Jesus
Travel is very much a part of Christmas. We join bumper to bumper traffic as we shop, we fly many hundreds of miles and travel our freeways to be with family and friends. Travel was a part of Christmas from the beginning, but at the first Christmas travel was for a different reason.
The Cradle and the Cross
Christmas upsets many people because at least once a year they can’t run away from Jesus. When Jesus shows up, things change, the status quo is threatened. It is a time of challenge and confrontation to religion and politics.
Is God Crazy, or What?
We don’t give him anything he needs. Yet God is madly in love with us… is he crazy, or what?
How To Be a Successful Failure
The Apollo 13 mission was appropriately dubbed, "a successful failure." Many defining moments in life emerge when we are on the edge of fulfillment, yet denied the thing we most want. Greg shares a biblical example and its lessons for how to be a successful failure.
Our Image or God’s Substance?
Attempting to create a better impression of ourselves than we deserve is a powerful human temptation. Greg discusses the Biblical story of Ananias and Saphira who tried to create an image of themselves that didn't reflect reality.
Pride and Prejudice
C.S. Lewis said that the essential vice, the utmost evil, is pride. Pride and prejudice go together like hand and glove -- both allow us to feel superior to others.
Hanging By a Thread
Do you ever feel that you're just barely hanging on -- that you're hanging on for dear life? If so, you may be in a defining moment in your life when your decisions can either make or break you.
The Fullness of Life
Greg considers what it means to give thanks, in light of Matthew 6:25-34. Join him in reflecting on the words of T.S. Eliot, "Where is the life we have lost in living?" Give thanks for true life, life in Christ, life eternal!
Thanksgiving – Getting Our Bearings
When we give thanks, we must obviously remember to whom we give thanks. Thanksgiving is a time to pause on our spiritual journey and ask directions - and get our bearings.
Thankful For What?
The biblical nation of Israel entered into the Promised Land in spite of 40 years of rebellion and disobedience. Their Promised Land was not their reward for religious performance anymore than God's heaven is ours. May we never forget that it is God's grace that allows us to receive physical and spiritual blessings.
Always Giving Thanks
In his Thanksgiving message Greg talks about a heart of gratitude. Being thankful is one of God's gifts that separates us from neurotic, self-centered, spiritually unhealthful lives.
Meals on Wheels
It's amazing how much of Jesus' time was spent talking about food, and in preparing, creating and consuming it - not to mention attending banquets. And he himself is the Bread of life - a completely different kind of food, not found in restaurants or even some establishments that promise spiritual food in his name.
It All Comes From God
Doxology might appear to be just another high-falutin' rootin tootin' theological term, but the doxology in Romans 11:33-36 helps us discover purpose and significance behind our praise and worship of God.