744 results for tag: daily sermon
We Don’t Need More Religion!
There is something in all of us that wants to be independent of God, and religion plays to that desire. Greg talks about how religion gets in the way of our relationship with God.
Where is God When I Need Him?
What about most of the time when God isn’t obvious in a burning bush or pillar of fire? Listen today as Greg examines a book of the Bible where God’s name is not mentioned once even though he’s acting powerfully in the background.
When God Broke His Silence
God has already visited this earth! And many religious people were not happy when he did so the first time.
Is God Silent or are We Not Listening?
Many who’ve said, "God is dead" are themselves dead while God lives on. Could it be that God has already spoken and doesn’t need to repeat himself? Is the reason we don’t hear him because he’s saying things we don’t want to hear?
Is God Really There?
There are only three choices we can make about God's existence. We can deny it, affirm it, or be unsure about it. Greg examines those choices in today's program the first of our 4 part series Making Sense of God's Silence.
Cheerful Givers
When it comes to giving, many people will stop at nothing! Meanwhile, others give generously, but why? Greg examines motivations for giving as he talks about the connection between God and money.
Letting Go, Rather than Hanging On
Your money or your life? In our materialistic world that’s a critically important question. In this program, the third in our series, “Your Money or Your Life?” Greg talks about hanging on to it or letting it go.
Benefits of Transferring Title of Your Treasures to God
Benjamin Franklin said there’s nothing in money’s nature to produce happiness. So, just what does the Bible teach about the place of money in our lives? Don't miss Greg in the second program of our four part series, “Your Money or Your Life?”
Transferring Title to God
Our preoccupation with material things so easily overwhelms us, but what really is important? Greg talks about that in this first program in our "Your Money or Your Life?" series.
Living Under the Influence of God
What is authentic Christianity like? Don’t miss "Living Under the Influence of God", the fourth program of our series on the book of Ephesians. Greg examines what’s involved in the Christian life.
Changed from Inside Out
Many are dissatisfied with their lives and want a change. Cosmetics and cosmetic surgery are growing businesses because people want a make-over. In this third program in the series on the book of Ephesians, Greg Albrecht looks at internal changes.
How God Changes Christians
Must you jump through endless religious hoops for God to reward you? Must you “do” a lot of religious stuff to be saved? The Bible emphatically says, “No!” Greg talks about this in the second program of our four-part series on the book of Ephesians.
God’s Plan
Would a Utopian world be free of religion? And what will those who are a part of it look like? Greg discusses the Great New Society God is building today in this first program in our series on the book of Ephesians.
From Legalism to Love
Is there a heavenly Dow Jones-like report tracking how we're doing? If our spiritual stock is down, is God mad at us? Greg gives two vital keys summarizing what Jesus taught about moving “From Legalism to Love.”
Spiritual Imposters
It’s so easy for Christians to fall into the trap of “look good religion”. Some hype their spiritual resume becoming imposters and frauds. In this third program of our Recovering from Legalism series, Greg talks about “Spiritual Imposters.”
The Great Deception
Centering one's life on law-keeping robs Christians of the fullness God offers, by pulling the wool over their eyes. It does this in three ways you should know about. Greg unveils these deceptions in this second program of our four part series on Legalism.
The Price of Legalism
Are you living a life of spiritual poverty — too much form and too little substance? Is compliance with do’s and don’ts the substance God wants for us? Greg Albrecht answers these important questions in the first program of our "Recovering from Legalism" series.
One In Christ
God does not show favoritism. He has no favorites because of his grace -- we cannot do enough stuff to endear ourselves to God so that God will favor us over someone else. We are one in Christ.
Just like Humpty Dumpty we've had a great fall -- ours is a spiritual fall. And just like Humpty Dumpty, despite our best efforts, we cannot put ourselves back together again. But there's good news. God has solved the problem.
In the beginning there was complete peace and harmony between mankind and God, but that intimate relationship with God was broken. Men and women began to hide from God and became hostile to him, but Jesus came and through him, God is reconciling the world to himself. That can include you.