743 results for tag: daily sermon
No Sheep Left Behind
Jesus' parable about the lost sheep doesn't make any sense - it doesn't appear to be a responsible action for a shepherd, pastor or anyone else. Why did Jesus leave the 99 and go after one lost sheep?
Getting a Kick Out of Giving
In our materialistic culture many spend much of their time and money in self-centered gain and consumerism -- yet they're miserable. On the other hand, God talks about cheerful giving.
Jesus Still Moves Stones
On Easter morning, visitors to Jesus' tomb were amazed to see that the massive stone sealing the entrance had been rolled away. Jesus can take away the heavy stones that burden your life just as easily!
Give God Three Days
The message of Jesus' resurrection is this: Give God three days. It's a message of excitement and hope. Join Greg this weekend as he talks about how, if we give God three days, our darkness can give way to the glorious light of a new day!
The Power of the Resurrection
How significant is the resurrection of Jesus Christ to us? Quite simply, it's our lifeline! Don't miss this important seasonal message. Tomorrow doesn't have to be the same as yesterday.
He’s Alive!
The eyewitness accounts of Jesus' death and resurrection would be sufficient to establish the truth of those events in a court of law. Some eyewitnesses were martyred for testifying that Jesus died and rose from the dead. It is true -- he's alive!
Is Grace a License to Sin?
Since Christ's sacrifice is sufficient for my salvation, and since God loves me unconditionally -- if it's all done for me, then why be good? Don't miss Greg's answer to these questions in today's program.
Save Us Now!
On Palm Sunday we consider Jesus entering Jerusalem for the last time in his earthly ministry to the acclamation of crowds calling out "Save us now!" A few days later a crowd in Jerusalem screamed out "Crucify him!"
Two Parades
On Palm Sunday we consider Pilate, riding a high spirited military war horse, while Jesus sat astride a borrowed donkey. Pilate rode into town to enforce the rule of law - Jesus rode into town as the personification of the kingdom of grace.
God Can Be Trusted
Who or what can we trust anymore? Advertising claims, politicians, corporate leaders, retirement plans -- all have failed our complete trust. Greg shows how God can be trusted in today's program.
God Is Not Religious
It's a huge mistake to blame God for what churches have done in his name. Some churches shrink God down to fit in their box. Greg right-sizes God and helps scrape the barnacles of sectarianism off "Good Ship Christianity".
Are you a sheep or a goat? Listen to today's program as Greg shows us the compassion of Jesus Christ and why the sheep in Matthew 25 were given entrance into the Kingdom.
Changes, Choices and Commitments
It's not where we've been that's important--it's where we're going that matters! Be sure to listen to Greg as he discusses the important choices ahead of us.
Very Important People
Who would you name as the most significant VIPs you're aware of? What makes a person a VIP? More significantly, what makes a person a VIP in God's eyes? Don't miss today's program for God's perspective on VIPs.
Why Are We Here?
Is there a biblical model for Christians to intimidate pagans about what they're (Christians) against? Greg talks about why we're saved and what we're supposed to be doing as Christians.
Set Free – For Freedom
Our focus is on why God's grace sets us free. What is freedom in Christ all about?
Authentic Christianity
Toynbee said, "One's religion is often an accident of birth." Little or no thought -- no careful examination. Greg discusses different church types and what a person should think about in selecting a church.
We've all heard, "He who humbles himself will be exalted." And we know that God, in the person of Jesus, washed his disciples' feet. On today's program Greg discusses what real humility is.
Judge Righteously
The only exercise some ever get is jumping to conclusions. Many hold a wrong conclusion about God that affects their judgments. What is that conclusion? Could it be affecting the judgments you make?
Why Does God Allow Suffering?
In the comic strip PEANUTS, Schroeder says that a person who never suffers, never matures. Lucy's retort is, "Who wants to suffer? Don't be ridiculous!" Greg offers God's perspective on suffering in today's program.