744 results for tag: daily sermon
Christians You Don’t Recognize — Part 2
Fact: Many Christians think they are better than others; there are other Christians they don't even recognize. Fact: Some church and religious movements have persuaded their followers that they are superior to others. Fact: Being better and superior is not the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Christians You Don’t Recognize — Part 1
Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Protestants don't recognize the Pope as the head of the church and Christians who believe alcohol is a sin do not recognize each other in a liquor store. If there are other Christians you do not recognize, you need to listen to this program.
After Grace — Then What?
Grace is totally unmerited pardon. It is forgiveness of our sins no matter what we have done -- it can't be earned in any way. But what is life like after that? How then should we live?
Wine Into Water
Jesus changed water into wine. It was the best wine and it was saved for last. People have been trying to reverse the process and change wine into water ever since. Why is the story of this miracle in the Bible? What should we learn from it?
Religion is Counterfeit Christianity
Jesus came to save us from religion, the belief that if we work hard and long enough God will like us -- that we must obtain salvation through our own efforts. Religion is one reason Christ died on the cross.
Weird Ideas Are Out There
It usually starts with a sincere desire to please or appease God. But the result is a cult -- a tight, "holy huddle" trying to keep sin on the outside and goodness on the inside. Such isolation leads to weird ideas.
Couch Potato Christianity
Is it possible to be a "Couch Potato Christian"? The Bible says that our citizenship is in heaven and that we're not to be conformed to this world. What does that mean for the role of a Christian in society? Don't miss this vital discussion of practical Christianity.
Hope In Christ
What are your hopes? Does your future look bleak? It was that way for the disciples for awhile. Their hopes were dashed after Jesus' crucifixion but intensely re-ignited after his resurrection. Similarly the only real hope for our future is in Christ and his resurrection.
Lost and Found
The Prodigal in the Parable of the Lost Son "comes to himself" and returns home. He is met on the way by his eagerly welcoming father, and there is great rejoicing over the son who "was lost and is found."
The Cost of Discipleship — Sacrifice
Jesus said, "Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." Jesus tells us to follow him. He laid down his life for us. Authentic Christianity involves laying down your life for others.
Giving More Than You Get
Love or bean-counting? Mary extravagantly anoints Jesus with expensive perfume as a gift of love. Judas complained, "It might have been sold." Our world is much like Judas, considering the monetary value of everything and being blinded to love. What do you see?
King and Kingdom
We have a fascination with royalty, perhaps because of their privilege, power and wealth. Yet many monarchs have ruled through fear and heavy-handedness.
The Hall of Faith
We love lists: The top 10...the top 40... and various halls of fame. Did you know that the Bible has "The Hall of Faith"? It's a list of those who lived with spiritual vision and understood faith as a verb. Who's on it -- and why? Be sure to listen for the answers.
Don’t Give Up!
If you're at the end of your rope with everything coming unglued, if you're grieving, if you're going through a time of turbulence or rage -- don't give up! Greg points us to the Source of encouragement, strength, refuge, tranquility, serenity -- to an ever-present help in trouble.
Jars of Clay…and Mothers
As we celebrate mothers, we explore the nature of God. We learn that it is the very nature of God to place his grace in places thought to be humanly improbable or impossible.
God and Mothers
While there is no greater physical place of ministry, position or power than that of a mother, we can learn a great deal about our heavenly Father as we honor our earthly mothers.
The Creator and His Assistants
Mothers ARE God’s life giving assistants. This is a day to honor our Mothers and all who have helped us along the way. It’s also a time to remember those who assist God as he re-births people as children of God.
Do You Really Need a Bigger Barn?
Providing storage facilities is one of the fastest growing businesses today because we have so much stuff to store. How much stuff do you have? Are you better off than you used to be? Is being better off the bottom line for Christians? Don't miss this valuable program.
Paper or Plastic?
What kind of temporary container holds the salvation, the riches of God's grace, the eternal life God has given you? Paper or plastic? What really is important? Listen to today's program as Greg answers these questions.
The Lion and the Lamb
Do you ever have tumultuous days? Jesus told his disciples, "My peace I give you." What does he mean by that? You'll not want to miss today's program as Greg talks about the peace that Christ gives.