744 results for tag: daily sermon
Maybe You Just Need to Try Harder
Religion tells us that we should maybe just try harder, that we should pull ourselves up by your own bootstraps.
Bad News Religion Part 4 of 4
The biggest threat to Christianity isn't apathy, indifference or its own woefully inadequate example - nor is it from Islam, New Age thought or the myriad cults. The greatest challenge to Christianity is religion insidiously thriving under the flag of Christianity.
Bad News Religion Part 3 of 4
Christianity is in a completely different category from other religions. In fact, it is opposed to all religion - including religion appropriating the name of Jesus Christ. Religion is bad news - the polar opposite of the gospel of Jesus Christ - which is by definition, good news.
Bad News Religion Part 2 of 4
Organized religion frequently tries to solve the problems of this world, encouraging involvement in all sorts of causes and even political action, but that "religion" can become a substitute for our relationship with God - for authentic Christianity.
Bad News Religion Part 1 of 4
Religion assures us that if we do stuff - if we comply with its rituals, its formulas and its prescriptions - that we'll be able to please and appease God. Religion supplants Jesus Christ by telling us we have to be involved with and rely upon it to "make it to heaven."
Our Biggest Problem
What's our biggest problem as Christians...is it religion? Is it legalism? Is it a lack of knowledge of the Bible? Is it too little obedience? You may be surprised.
Is It Possible to OD on Grace?
Religion and legalism are uncomfortable with God's grace, claiming that the grace of God encourages people to sin. But can we have too much grace -- is it possible to overdose on grace?
What is a Real Christian?
What do true Christians say and do -- what are they like? How righteous does a Christian have to be? Would you identify a real Christian mostly by what they don't do -- by actions and habits they avoid?
Counting the Cost
The Bible admonishes us to count the cost before we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, but once we've done that, we're to stop counting. What do we stop counting? For one, how good we are, but listen as Greg discusses other things the Bible teaches we no longer count.
4 Ways to be Successful in Religion
This tongue-in-cheek program suggests four things you can do to be successful in religion (as opposed to authentic Christianity). These four strategies are prominent in our religious world today. See if they don't ring a disturbingly familiar bell with you.
Finding a Perfect Church Pt 2 – If You Find It, Don’t Join
Greg talks in today's program about the visible and the invisible church. Just what are those? In this program important to every Christian, Greg talks about some of the hallmarks of a healthy church and gives some guidelines for finding one.
Finding a Perfect Church Pt 1 – What is the Church?
There is much debate about what "church" means. Many groups claim that they are "the church." What is the perfect church and how does one become a part of it? This is a vital question for every Christian to have considered and answered.
In 1985 Ivan Boesky told UC Berkeley Business School graduates, "Greed is all right, by the way. I want you to know that greed is healthy. You can be greedy and feel good about yourself." Don't miss God's perspective on greed in today's program.
Three Ways to Live Your Life
There are three ways to live your life - 1. Run away from it -- drugs and religion help people do that. 2. Run along with it -- the way of indulgence and selfishness. 3. Let God help you run your life.
What Are We Doing To Our Kids?
Difficult question: What is the balance between protecting our children from evil and preparing them to navigate the world we live in? In today's program Greg takes a hard look at this question and suggests that as parents we model God's love for our children.
What To Do When Life Happens
Many people find themselves in a spiritual traffic jam, lives out of control, trapped in their circumstances. Is life for you same-o, same-o every day? Have you lost your zest for living? What are you running after -- what is your life about?
Two Deadly Enemies
The Bible clearly identifies sin as a mortal enemy. But there is another enemy, a very subtle enemy, which poses as the solution for sin by promising to deliver us from it by our own efforts.
What’s Your Batting Average?
Does God's love for us depend upon our spiritual batting average? Does our spiritual batting average determine whether we're admitted into God's Kingdom of Heaven? How do we become part of God's team?
Passing On Gods Grace
Are you passing on God's grace? Or, have you accepted God's grace and are you passing it on to others? Greg examines the parable of the laborers in the vineyard for its lessons about the grace of God.