30 results for tag: CWR Magazine

June 2024 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now: Ed Dunn 8 Decades Later – pg. 2 Steve Brown The Father Never Leaves Us – pg. 5 Stuart Segall Navigating Grief – pg. 6 If you have found our magazines helpful, please consider subscribing (free online). And if you'd like to help us help others, please consider sharing it with others and hitting the "GIVE NOW" button below. TO GIVE NOW

April 2024 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now: Brad Jersak: Has Christ made DEATH our friend? – pg. 2 Jersak & Young Memory Albums – pg. 5 Richard Rohr What is the "False Self"? – pg. 6 Greg Albrecht Did God Forsake God? – pg. 7 If you have found our magazines helpful, please consider subscribing (free online). And if you'd like to help us help others, please consider sharing it with others and hitting the "GIVE NOW" button below. TO GIVE NOW

February 2024 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now Brad Jersak: Using Up Our Inheritance – pg. 2 Grant Corriveau: Science vs. God? – pg. 4 Steve Brown Life without Disclaimers – pg. 7 If you have found our magazines helpful, please consider subscribing (free online). And if you'd like to help us help others, please consider sharing it with others and hitting the "GIVE NOW" button below. TO GIVE NOW

December 2023 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read: Greg Albrecht: Not What Religion Expects – pg. 2 Kenneth Tanner: One-Sided God – pg. 6 Brad Jersak: God in Our Image – pg. 7 If you have found our magazines helpful, please consider subscribing (free online). And if you'd like to help us help others, please consider sharing it with others and hitting the "GIVE NOW" button below. TO GIVE NOW

October 2023 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read: Greg Albrecht: For Those Who Are a Little Banged Up – pg. 2 Richard Rohr: Adopting a Beginner’s Mind – pg. 6 Brad Jersak "What is God Teaching Me?" – pg. 7 If you have found our magazines helpful, please consider subscribing (free online). And if you'd like to help us help others, please consider sharing it with others and hitting the "GIVE NOW" button below. TO GIVE NOW

June 2023 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now Greg Albrecht: He Is Who He Says He Is – pg. 2 Laura Urista: 25 Father’s Days – pg. 4 Brad Jersak: This God Comes Down – pg. 7

April 2023 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now Brad Jersak: Logos, Light & Lamb – pg. 2 Greg Albrecht: Everything Happens for a Reason? – pg. 4 Greg Albrecht: Nailmarks, Scars & Doubts – pg. 7

February 2023 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now Greg Albrecht: How Sorry Are We? – pg. 2 Ed Dunn: Our Choice of Words – pg. 5 Brad Jersak: Zaccheus Makes Amends – pg. 6

December 2022 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now Brad Jersak: Our Ultimate Caregiver – pg. 2 Greg Albrecht: Incomparable & Boundless – pg. 5 Richard Rohr: Christmas: Only One Message – pg. 7

Help! The Future Has Arrived – Greg Albrecht

Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis (Latin)— all things change, and we change with them. Fifty-two years ago, in his bestselling book Future Shock, Alvin Toffler depicted and defined the anxiety produced by too much turbulence and disruption in too short a period of time. For Toffler, Future Shock is the premature arrival of the future before humans are ready for it. His assessment is now becoming a disconcerting reality, a trauma our world at large is currently enduring. In his remarkably accurate descriptions of life in this second decade of the 21st century, Toffler described a culture produced by a post-industrial machine-age ...

Faith, Fiction, Fantasy & Truth – Brad Jersak

"Sometimes fairy stories may say best what’s to be said.” —C.S. Lewis “C.S. Lewis taught me that in fiction, stepping into magical realms means encountering earthly concerns in transfigured form.” —Lev Grossman CAN FICTION BE TRUE? I frequently encounter surprise and even disdain when I recommend works of fiction as an essential element in one’s spiritual or theological diet. Indeed, as a professor of theology, I’ve contended with students who were intent on exemptions from the classics I assign as coursework! “What’s the point? Novels aren’t true,” I’m told with incredulity. Or sometimes, I hear, “I only ...

August 2022 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now Brad Jersak: Faith, Fiction, Fantasy & Truth – pg. 2Monte Wolverton: IN, Not OF, the World – pg. 4Greg Albrecht: Fairy Tales, Fantasy & Parables – pg. 7

June 2022 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now Greg Albrecht: THIS is God – pg. 2Ed Dunn: A Father's Gift – pg. 5Brad Jersak: Does God Have Enemies? – pg. 7

April 2022 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now Brad Jersak: The Cross: God’s Eternal Mercy Seat – pg. 2Laura Urista: Trimming the Roses – pg. 5Richard Rohr: The Saving Power of the Cross – pg. 6Greg Albrecht: The Meaning(s) of the Cross – pg. 7

February 2022 CWR Magazine

(CLICK HERE to read now) Read Articles: Ruth Tucker: Confronting Religious Shaming– pg. 2Ed Dunn: Doing the Work– pg. 5Greg Albrecht: Changed in the Presence of Pure Love – pg. 7

December 2021 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now Greg Albrecht: Once Before Time– pg. 2Laura Urista: Awaiting Arrivals– pg. 5Kenneth Tanner: The Inalienable Rights of the Incarnation – pg. 6Brad Jersak: Jesus Christ Before His Birth – pg. 7

October 2021 CWR Magazine

Laura Urista: The Gospel According to Pooh-Bear– pg. 2Brad Jersak: Of Heretics, Kings & Foxes– pg. 4Greg Albrecht: How Far Will God Go for Love? – pg. 7

August 2021 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: God Is Not Fair– pg. 2Irene Frances: My Desire to Be Like Jesus– pg. 5Richard Rohr: God's Creatures Great and Small– pg. 5Brad Jersak: Was Jesus a Racist? – pg. 7

June 2021 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Papa's Love & Frightful Warnings– pg. 2Ed Dunn: Can We Talk?– pg. 5Rachel Ramer: "Shame On You!" Really?– pg. 6Greg Albrecht: The Bride of Christ – pg. 7

April 2021 CWR Magazine

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: When Jesus Rode into Town– pg. 2Laura Urista: The Heart of the Matter– pg. 4Ed Dunn: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled– pg. 5Brad Jersak: Pastoral Perspective – pg. 7