3 results for tag: christian love

If Ye Bite and Devour One Another – Greg Albrecht

“… If Ye Bite and Devour One Another, Take Heed …” (Galatians 5:15) As we in these United States approach the November elections, the cacophony of hyperbolic rhetoric resounding from the chasm between line-in-the sand dogmas of ideology, culture and politics is becoming a thunderous crescendo of dissonance.     Based on the racket of political acrimony and discord we hear it is not unreasonable to assume some prefer that we should become the Disunited States of America. The media broadcasts clamorous feuds, including immigration, crime, equality/inequality, racism, wokeism, the economy, sexual and gender issues and ...

Q&R: What if my partner & I disagree about God?

“Your partner must become completely convinced that you are completely convinced that the path she is on is holy, and that is not for you to dissuade her from it.”

Q & R with Greg Albrecht – “How can I show love and compassion without condoning specific behavior?”

Question: My cousin had a child out of wedlock. Some time after the birth, my family had a baby shower for her. My father, who is Christian, did not feel it was right for him to attend due to the fact that the baby was born out of wedlock, and believed his attendance would only show that he tolerated this behavior. However, at the same time my father attended a funeral for a close friend of the family who committed suicide. I feel that he should have given the same support that he gave to a friend of the family to my cousin. I hate to compare and contrast sins, but isn’t it rather hypocritical of him? Response: Your question seems ...