6 results for tag: Christ-less religion
What is Christ-less Religion? – CWR Video
In this CWR Video, Brad Jersak and Ed Dunn explore what is meant by the expression, Christ-less Religion?
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Take Away the Religious Rocks – by Greg Albrecht
Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance. "Take away the stone," he said.
—John 11:38-39
Religious rocks create barriers in our relationship with God. Notice the "red letter" words in our passage in John 11:39, the four words in this verse that Jesus actually spoke. Take away the stone....
The background for our passage begins in the first verse of chapter 11 of the book of John. Lazarus was sick. As the chapter unfolds we discover that Lazarus eventually died. His sisters Mary and Martha were overcome with shock and grief.
Our message begins at the house of mourning, in a place where ...
March 2023
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Come Out of Her and Come to Me! – pg. 1
Confronted by Christ – pg. 2
Which Thief Are You? – pg. 5
Master Potter – pg. 7
Quotes & Connections – pg. 8
Heart and Soul – Greg Albrecht
All over this world people are dying from despair and depression. Opioid abuse and addiction is unprecedented, as people vainly attempt to medicate themselves from the pain and heartache of their lives.
Christ-less religion insists that people be convicted of how bad they are. That’s no news flash! People already know how bad they are. People already know the bad news. What people need to know is the good news of Jesus Christ, and of the love, grace and mercy of God.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is Christianity without the religion—the gospel is irreligious. Those who discover the gospel of Jesus Christ have the audacity to dig down and ...
August 2019
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Greg Albrecht: Healthy Faith or Toxic Religion?– pg. 1
Keith Giles: The Gospel: Information or Transformation?– pg. 6
Brad Jersak: Is Christ in All People or Only in Christians? – pg. 10
Peter Enns: The Bible's True Purpose – pg. 12
Brad Jersak: Three Visions of Salvation -pg. 14