16 results for tag: Christ

A Lion and A Lamb – by Greg Albrecht

Will a cure for cancer ever be found? Will there ever be a time when little children don't go to bed hungry? Is there a way to end crime? Don't you just wish that someday, some way, the abuse of the very young and the very old would stop? Will anyone ever find a way to disarm all armies, to melt down all weapons of warfare—to beat swords into plowshares, as the Hebrew prophets foresaw? We all long for peace for the entire world. We all want solutions to the misery and suffering of our world. We want the hatred and violence to end. Of course, you're way ahead of me—but don't get too far ahead—because what I want to talk about may surprise ...

April 2024

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Has Christ made DEATH our friend? – pg. 2 Jersak & Young Memory Albums – pg. 5 Richard Rohr What is the "False Self"? – pg. 6 Greg Albrecht Did God Forsake God? – pg. 7

Confronted by Christ – by Ed Dunn

Acts Chapter 9 tells us the story of Saul (soon to become Paul) on a path from Jerusalem to Damascus with a mandate in his hand. Charged and empowered by the High Priest, Saul was set to hunt down, arrest and bring the followers of Jesus to Jerusalem. Once in Jerusalem, it would seem Saul’s intent was to question, persecute and quite possibly, execute, the followers of Jesus, as he had done with Stephen (Acts 7:4 - 8:1). In telling this story, the book of Acts paints a picture of Saul as a man who was, in a word, diligent, in following his path, and in seeing his commission through to its end.     Not far from the gates of ...

CWR video – by Ed Dunn – “The Great Verb Exchange”

Short 2 minute video with Ed Dunn.

May 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Stretch Marks of a Mother's Love – pg. 1 One Day in May – pg. 2 The Kingdom in a Person – pg. 5 Grieving Nels – pg. 6 Prodigal Sons – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

Christ In You, the Hope of Glory

Jesus Christ is "the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations" (Colossians 1:26). In Christ we find meaning, significance and hope, even in the midst of suffering.

March 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Come Out of Her and Come to Me! – pg. 1 Confronted by Christ – pg. 2 Which Thief Are You? – pg. 5 Master Potter – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

January 2023

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Nothing But Jesus – pg. 1 A New Beginning – pg. 2 Loving Doctrine More Than People? – pg. 5 Savannah Bananas – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

What About 3 Days and 3 Nights?

Q: What is your view on Jesus' statement that he would be in the grave three days and three nights? I believe Jesus. I do not believe that it was parts of days and nights like some say. A: I believe Jesus as well. If you examine the gospels, you will find one verse that mentions "three days and three nights" (Matthew 12:40 ) and another 20 verses that speak of his resurrection as being on "the third day" or "in three days." Since we both believe Jesus, should we seek to better understand one verse in the light of 20, or 20 verses in the light of one? Today, the day I am writing this, is Friday. Three days from now will be Sunday. That's the ...

February 2021

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Christ or Nothing– pg. 2 Richard Murray: Intellectual Honesty– pg. 5 Brad Jersak: Pastoral Perspective – pg. 7

He’s ‘Friended” Us!

By Greg Albrecht What a friend we have in Jesus! So goes that great old hymn—and its message is the gospel truth. In John 15:9-17 Jesus encourages us to remain in him and with him. In the Authorized King James Version the word used is "abide." Jesus is requesting that we stay with him. He's saying, "Don't move away. Don't wander away. Stay with me. Remain with me." Jesus is saying, "Keep your eyes and focus on me. Don't ever stop looking to me as the absolute center of your faith. Don't allow religious ceremonies and rituals to confuse you—so that you think our relationship (your friendship with me) depends on you." This passage is a ...

May 2020

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Grace Is the Gospel of Christ – pg. 1 The Narrow Door – pg. 2 Want to Hear a Good Story? – pg. 5 Franny and Bonnie – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8

December 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Mary: The Second Eve– pg. 3 Scott Erickson: O Eve!– pg. 7 Greg Albrecht: Wrapping an Idea in a Person – pg. 8 Jim Fowler: The Reason for the Season – pg. 10 Felicia Murrell: Advent Poem – pg. 12 Richard Rohr: Christ in the Face of the Other – pg. 13 Greg Albrecht: Was Christ a Created Being? -pg. 15

The Quest for Rest – Cheryl McGrath

When Jesus spoke the words “the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head” He was not referring merely to physical comforts (Matt. 8:20). From the beginning of creation God has actively sought a resting place for Himself among humankind. In the first chapter of Genesis we see a progressive revelation of the environment that God creatively crafted in preparation for His human creation. In the first five days the Heavens and the earth were given form; light and darkness were separated establishing time (day and night); vegetation to provide food and beauty were provided; the seas and skies were inhabited with abundant life, and then land creatures ...

Words are only part of the gospel – Lazar Puhalo

Words are only a part of the gospel. The life and actions, and the way Christ treated the outcast and "sinner" is the greater part of the gospel. It seems that far too many people see a set of laws and rules in the gospel, and do not see the light and life in which often, social conventions and rules are simply overturned. Not only is the Parable of the Prodigal at the heart of the gospel, but something too often overlooked: Under the law, a leper is not only an outcast who cannot enter the temple precinct, but it is forbidden for anyone to even touch a leper. Christ, however, heals the leper precisely by touching him. Touching the leper ...

Summer 2015

Articles: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For -p4 Would you Choose the Truth Over Christ? -p11 Would you Choose Christ Over the Truth? -p12 "The Bible clearly says..." -p13 You Can't Imagine How Much He Loves You -p15 The Church As We Know It -p17 Regret--the Silent Killer -p18 Rx for Remorse, Regret, Resentment -p22 In the Shadow of the Mushroom Cloud -p24 Behaving Badly -p26 The Calf Path -p30 The Only Way to Really Get It -p31