6 results for tag: Cherith Fee Nordling

Jesus Christ – Who Was and Is – Cherith Fee Nordling

“Jesus Christ—Who Was and Is” – Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling explains how Jesus Christ WAS human in space-time history, but also IS human forever. As Christ WAS born, raised and ascended, so too he IS born, risen and ascended to the Father’s right hand. (Part 6 in a 6-part conversation with Dr. Bradley Jersak). https://vimeo.com/784843197

Gnostic No More – Cherith Fee Nordling

"Gnostic No More" – Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling describes the ancient heresy of Gnosticism and how it's anti-material/anti-body teachings have infected and affected modern Christianity. (Part 5 in a 6-part conversation with Dr. Bradley Jersak). https://vimeo.com/784841166

Beyond Binatarianism: Who is the Holy Spirit? Cherith Fee Nordling

Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling addresses the problem of practical “binatarianism,” which is the belief in the Father and Son, without reference to the Spirit or reducing the Spirit to an impersonal force. Who is the Holy Spirit? (Part 4 in a 6-part conversation with Dr. Bradley Jersak). https://vimeo.com/784839180

The Necessity of the Ascension of Christ – Cherith Fee Nordling

Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling reminds us that when we speak of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, we are not only talking about his life, death and resurrection, but also of his ascension to God’s throne. Why is this essential to our faith?(Part 3 in a 6-part conversation with Dr. Bradley Jersak). https://vimeo.com/784836154

More than a metaphor: Why the resurrection matters – Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling

Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling pushes back at the notion that the resurrection (both Christ’s and ours) is merely metaphorical. The Christian faith is founded on the reality of Christ’s bodily resurrection.(Part 2 in a 6-part conversation with Dr. Bradley Jersak). https://vimeo.com/783453286

The Incarnation: Jesus Has a Body – Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling

Dr. Cherith Fee Nordling explains why, in his Incarnation, Jesus Christ assumes an authentic human nature, including a body, and why in his resurrection and ascension to glory, continues to be forever human.(Part 1 in a 6-part conversation with Dr. Bradley Jersak). https://vimeo.com/780442902