3 results for tag: Caregiver

When “God cares” doesn’t cut it – Brad Jersak

I remember the day when the assurance that “God cares” no longer cut it for me. Worse, it felt offensive. It particularly seems trite when we’re faced with the unmitigated affliction of children who suffer war, abuse, disability, disease, and painful death. God cares? How so? The image that gnawed at my mind and heart and evoked anger was a divine king, seated on a throne, telling me, “I care,”… as in, “I have this caring feeling in my heart toward you,” while failing to provide protection, provision, consolation, or healing as families searched through the rubble of homes flattened by earthquakes or hellfire missiles. God cares? So ...

Our Ultimate Caregiver – Brad Jersak

CAREGIVERS For a decade of what feels like another lifetime (1998-2008), I led a faith community of which one-third of our attendees were people with mental or physical disabilities in full-time care. Their struggles included Down Syndrome, autism, brain injuries, and a host of neurological conditions and disorders that confined these dear friends to wheelchairs. Their appearance, their sounds, their smells were so attention-grabbing that one might overlook the constant, active presence of their ‘caregivers.’ These caregivers were responsible for 24-7 assistance in every area of their ‘client’s’ lives, including clothing ...

December 2022

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Our Ultimate Caregiver – pg. 2 Greg Albrecht: Incomparable & Boundless – pg. 5 Richard Rohr: Christmas: Only One Message – pg. 7