28 results for tag: breakfast with Brad

Breakfast with Brad – Gyros in St Jo, MO with Brian Zahnd

“Breakfast with Brad” – Guilt Signals and the Weak, Seared or Healthy Conscience

PTM.org's "Breakfast with Brad" - Guilt and the Weak, Seared and Healthy Conscience Text version (the video transcript has been edited for clarity): What is guilt? Is guilt always unhealthy? Certainly we know that 'guilt-trips' are the favorite tool of the Accuser and Christliness religion. But does guilt ever have a place or serve a purpose?   One way to view guilt is that it's a signal sent by the conscience. The conscience is sort of like a God-given inner prophet that lets us know when we've violated love of God or neighbor. In that sense, it is like Nathan the prophet when he confronted David's affair with Bathsheba. He spoke ...

Breakfast with Brad – Agents of Judgment or Messengers of Invitation?

In which judgment makes Brad defiant rather than repentant ... adding sour cream and salmon flakes to his Kraft Dinner. What if God understands that dynamic, too?

Breakfast with Brad – Kombucha an Pickle, Jesus and AA

In which Brad had breakfast long ago but goes to the Fieldhouse for a Kombucha and Pickle to discuss Jesus and AA. What do you think is more important: using Jesus' name but attaching it to retribution, or not using his name but describing him accurately? Supplement: Again, the question is this: which is better? To worship a false god (by virtue of its pagan nature) and use the name of Jesus to describe him? Or to worship the One True God (by virtue of his divine nature) but getting the name wrong? C.S. Lewis addressed this in the Narnia Chronicles in The Last Battle. Here is the testimony of Emeth, someone who thought he was the enemy of ...

Breakfast with Brad – Moving on (12/12) – Phillies, Strawberries & Hopeful Inclusion

In which Brad shows off the Phillies hat gifted to him by his friend Philip Carnuccio, nibbles on freshly picked strawberries dowsed in maple syrup, and chats about the "inclusivism" of such evangelists as John Wesley and Billy Graham.   Hopeful Inclusivism To be more specific, the Wesleyan blogger Craig Adams posted this explanation along with samples of Hopeful Inclusivist statements on his site: Simply put, the position could be summarized this way: Only Christ determines who will or will not be saved. And, God will be fair, merciful and just toward all people. "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to ...

“Breakfast with Brad” – Slow roast coffee & trusting God’s processes

Today in the ancient town of Quedlinburg, Germany, Brad sees how quality coffee is roasted and trusting God in the slow processes of our growth. "2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." (James 1:2-4) PTM.org's "Breakfast with Brad"- Slow-Roasted Coffee and Trusting the Process from Brad Jersak on Vimeo.

Breakfast with Brad – Wieners, Beer & Spiritual Scurvy

In which Brad doesn't really drink beer for breakfast, but suffers the imbalanced diet of micro-waved wieners to make a point about the spiritual scurvy of male-only leadership in Christendom.

Breakfast with Brad – “Moving On” – Ashamed of Jesus?

In which Brad tries his Jim Gaffigan's 'offended Christian' voice (see below--trigger warning), plans hard-boiled eggs embedded with garlic stuffed olives & ponders Jesus words in Luke 9:26.

Breakfast with Brad – Hot Chocolate, Germany & God’s Wishy-Washy (?) Love

Breakfast with Brad - In which Eden has hot chocolate in Germany's winter wonderland, while Brad goes on a rant about God's supposedly wishy-washy Love. Breakfast with Brad - Hot Chocolate in Germany and God's Wishy-Washy (?) Love from Brad Jersak on Vimeo.

Breakfast with Brad – Moving on from Moralism

In which Brad talks about hot stoves, condoms and confusing morality with living faith! Following this episode, I've included an early draft excerpt from A More Christlike Way (due spring 2019). MY EARLY FORAYS INTO MORALISM (Early draft teaser from A More Christlike Way—spring 2019) GROUNDED FOR LIFE Moralism occurs when we cling to normal childhood rules (do’s and don’ts for our safety) and confuse them with living faith—when we elevate our morality to the measure of Christian faithfulness and flourishing. If only it were as simple as distinguishing between legalism and grace or blaming parents for being overly ...

Breakfast with Brad: “Moving On” pt 1/12 – Inerrancy

"The Word of God is inerrant, infallible and inspired ... and when he was 18, he grew a beard." That's right: Jesus is the Word of God, and the Bible is the inspired record of the drama of redemption by which the Word became flesh to reveal who God is.

Breakfast with Brad – What’s with Romans 13?

Nero, God’s sword-bearing servant is one and the same with the evil that must be overcome.

Breakfast with Brad – Moving On (5/12) – Gore, Genocide and Omelettes

Must we believe that God literally commanded the extermination of whole people groups in the Old Testament conquest narratives? Or could we attribute some of those incidents to human violence done in the name of God to justify their actions? BONUS MATERIAL: Matt Lynch on "The Joshua Conquest"  

Breakfast with Brad – Mother’s Day, Little Granny & Christian ‘Success’

Taking a break from the 'Moving On' series, Brad recalls his little 'Tea Granny,' Elsie Ditchfield, who demonstrated what true Christian success looks like. It starts with toast and tea!

Breakfast with Brad – Forgiveness, Resentment and Justice

PTM.org's 'Breakfast with Brad' - In which Brad must practice forgiveness against a great injustice lest his resentment morphs into malice, vengeance and violence. Without forgiveness, our attempts at justice become hateful and self-righteous. Notice too how Brad cleverly projects his own error (buying the wrong product) onto the supposed offender. Classic.

Breakfast with Brad – Moving on (11/12) – Froot Loops, Hellfire & Vidi Aquam

In which Brad features a hat that belonged to his grandfather, William Ditchfield, prepares to eat pure sugar & explores the question (not the doctrine) of hell. Below the video, we're also featuring a beautiful song based in an ancient chant, Vidi Aquam ("I saw water"). Is there a river that can extinguish the fires of hell?  Revelation 22: 1Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb 2 down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And ...

“Breakfast with Brad” – “Silly but harmful”

In which Brad eats Campbell's chicken noodle soup, spouts a silly (but harmless) childhood poem, then cites an example of a silly (but very harmful) theology. For the toxic citation, see below:       

PTM.org’s Breakfast with Brad – Riboflavin, Faith & Step 3 Surrender

In which Brad ponders what Riboflavin and Faith are, checking in with 12-Step Recovery's all-important 3rd step: "Surrender." Step 3 - "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God." Step 3 prayer: "God, I offer myself to you, to build with me and to do with me as you will. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do your will. Take away my difficulties [obsessions], that victory over them may bear witness of your power, your love, and your way of life to those I would help. May I always do your will!" "We thought well before taking this step making sure we were ready; that we could at last abandon ourselves ...

PTM.org’s Breakfast with Brad – “Moving On” (4/12) – Macaroni Salad and the Flood

Is belief in a literal global flood essential to Christian faithfulness? How did God recreate a ruined world? How has Christ opened the ark to all? And how did Eden create that macaroni salad?

Breakfast with Brad – Q & A: Is preaching God’s all-inclusive love capitulation to ‘the world’?

In which Brad prepares a 'normal' breakfast and answers an important question: Is preaching God's all-inclusive love capitulation to 'the world'? See text beneath the video for the extended Q & A. Question: I love your book (A More Christlike God) because it rings true that the "through line" of our theology must be love and radical self-giving. But how do you guard against the idea that God and/or Jesus may be more wrathful and judging than we like to believe? Response: Great question! First, I notice you're assuming that the problem is that God be more wrathful than we'd want him to be. It may be a surprise to know that quite the ...