512 results for tag: blog

“On His Shoulders” – The Cruciform Archē – Brad Jersak

Isaiah 9 6 For to us a child is born,     to us a son is given; and the government will be upon his shoulder,     and his name will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,     Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” 7 Of the increase of his government and of peace     there will be no end, upon the throne of David, and over his kingdom,     to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness     from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this. The messianic ...

The Gospel of Non-Violence – A Christ-Centered Perspective by Greg Albrecht

For some within Christendom the secular and highly politicized crusade to resist, end police brutality, overcome racism and stop hating people whose sexuality, gender or culture differs is one and the same as the gospel.   Cancel culture is a buzzword for standing against excesses of the North American culture, including the prosperity enjoyed by the “privileged.”  But are these goals one and the same as the gospel? In many cases it is not that hard to be against something, because the act of resistance appeals to the natural desire to minimize and condemn others in order to exalt oneself.  But the gospel is not self ...

Rethinking God’s Prophets (part 3) – Brad Jersak

In parts 1 and 2 of this series, I explored an analogy that compared the Bible and the human conscience to prophets of God, such as John the Baptist or Nathan. I suggested that neither the Bible nor the human conscience should usurp Christ from the throne of grace, but they do have a God-given role in testifying to him. In this final installment, I'll suggest a third prophet-like witness: a category that we might call "these little ones" or the "least of these." God's little prophets My agenda here his two-fold. First, I want to emphasize the nature of God's prophets as Christlike in their humility, when all too often, those who self-i...

Rethinking God’s Prophets (part 2) – Brad Jersak

In part 1 of this series, I compared the Bible to a prophet. Like John the Baptist, the Bible is NOT the Light of the World but is a WITNESS to Christ, the final Word of God. Today, we will consider the human conscience as a God-given inner prophet. The conscience, Nathan & the prodigal sons A conscience trained by grace is a blessed prophet, forever calling us to the Jesus Way into the Father's house. The role of a healthy conscience is to discern right from wrong from the Holy Spirit (not independently, as Adam and Eve dared by eating from that tree). And what constitutes right or wrong? According to the Bible, the 'right' path is the ...

Rethinking God’s Prophets (part 1) – Brad Jersak

Who were God's prophets? What are God's prophets? Are there still prophets among us? How do we discern the true prophet from the false? By what criteria? If they're still around, what is the role of a prophet? In this brief series, I hope to help readers rethink the idea of the prophets a wee bit. I'm hardly going to engage the above questions at all, at least not along standard lines that generally divide charismatics and cessationists, much less those who presume to put "prophet" on their business card or genuflect before their favorite politician and take the Lord's name in vain by spouting partisan talking points in the name of God. Blech!!! ...

Gospel Before Translation (pt. 3/3) – Brad Jersak

Gospel Before Translation: In parts 1 & 2 of this series, I claimed that the first Christian interpreters established in their hearts the gospel of Jesus Christ before they attempted to translate or interpret the Scriptures. Apart from that gospel, they believed the Bible could not be understood, much less translated, as inspired Scripture. The gospel formed and affected all of their translation work. Sadly, modern translators seem to pretend to be unbiased by their theology (but of course they are). Our first two examples came from Isaiah 53:10, which affects our view of God, and Jeremiah 17:9, which informs our view of humanity. While modern ...

Gospel Before Translation (pt. 2/3) – Brad Jersak

Gospel Before Translation: In part 1 of this series, I claimed that the first Christian interpreters established in their hearts the gospel of Jesus Christ before they attempted to translate or interpret the Scriptures. Apart from that gospel, they believed the Bible could not be understood, much less translated, as inspired Scripture. The gospel formed and affected all of their translation work. Sadly, modern translators seem to pretend to be unbiased by their theology (but of course they are). Our first example came from Isaiah 53:10, where the NIV and KJV depicted God as taking pleasure in crushing the suffering servant (a type of Christ). But ...

Gospel Before Translation (pt. 1/3) – Brad Jersak

Reader's Question: What Translations Do You Prefer? Response: With all the English Bible translations available, most readers tend to pick a favorite based on either readability or accuracy. When reading the Old Testament, I prefer Robert Alter's translation, The Hebrew Bible, as it blends accuracy with style beautifully, and The Orthodox Study Bible, because its OT section is based on the Septuagint (LXX), the Greek version of the Hebrew canon translated before Christ and most popular among NT authors who cite it. When reading the New Testament, I love NT Wright's Kingdom New Testament because of its readability and David Bentley Hart's ...

“Preach the Word [Logos!]” Brad Jersak

"Preach the word..." —2 Timothy 4:2 How many times was I exhorted as a Bible College student to "preach the word"? My memories are admittedly reconstructive but here's how I recall those instances. I'm hiding in the balcony of the old chapel, trying to sneak in an extra 30 minutes sleep. One of my highly skilled Evangelical instructors is beseeching us with booming preacher's voice, waving his (always a "him") well-worn, leather-bound Study Bible before us. And he's nearly shouting, "Preach the word!" That is, when you preach, always preach from the Bible. Whatever you say must be found in and founded on this book, the inspired ...

Conspiracy Theory: How & Why Christians Perpetuate the Tomb Soldiers’ Cover-up – Brad Jersak

     Now while they were on their way, some of the guard came into the city and reported to the chief priests all that had happened. And when they had assembled with the elders and consulted together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, and said, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came by night and stole Him away while we were asleep.’      “And if this should come to the governor’s ears, we will win him over and 1keep you out of trouble.”      And they took the money and did as they had been instructed; and this story was widely spread ...

Death Swallowed Up (You’re Not Disposable!) – Greg Albrecht

One of the great lessons and legacies of the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus is that our temporary world does not have the last word. Easter tells you and me that we are not disposable. Easter tells us that even while our bodies age and shrink and wither away—there will be a day when our bodies, like the body of Jesus, will be resurrected. God will never throw us away! During the second half of the 20th century our consumer culture turned into a throw-away-culture the likes of which the world has never seen. Plastic bottles are one of the premier examples—use the bottle once and then throw it away. Paper plates, disposable diapers and ...

“But if there’s no hell…” We don’t deny there’s a hell. Brad Jersak with David Goa

Even after my most recent CWRblog post about hell, titled "What if you're wrong about hell?" I still can't tell you how many people object with a question that begins, "But if there's no hell..." How many times have I responded, "Of course there's a hell! I've been there—seen it with my own eyes, my own heart and my own Bible." The issue is not the existence a hell, but whether we have the eyes to see its true nature. To that end, I raised the topic with my godfather David Goa, who always knows how best to set me straight. The following notes represent my best effort at distilling the essence of our conversation: We don’t deny there’s ...

Root Fears & Angry-god – Brad Jersak with Dave McFadden

Root Fears & Hot Button Conversations Since the beginning of this calendar year, in literally every conversation I’ve had with Christian leaders and churches, two hot button topics came up, and not at my request. The questions raised were about: * INFERNALISM: the hell of eternal torment, and * INCLUSION: sexuality in Christian communities. Scary stuff, right? Or it used to be. What we had only whispered privately a decade ago, for fear of fomenting division or provoking reprisals, has now grown into open conversations in earnest. But despite this refreshing new boldness to voice our private thoughts, a strain of fear continues ...

Papa’s Love & Frightening Warnings – Brad Jersak

“Bradley, don’t touch. You’ll burn your little hanny [hand] right off.” —Irene Jersak The Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,  for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” —Genesis 2:16 “If you’re right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off.” —Jesus Christ “Hot!” – Mom’s Warning I was perhaps 6-years-old. Maybe at Uncle Henry and Auntie Florence’s house. I remember fixating on Auntie’s red-hot stove element. I recall my mother’s dire warning. “Bradley, don’t touch. You’ll ...

“Light & High Beauty” in the Shadow of Mt. Doom – Brad Jersak

In February of 2020, I had the great privilege of hiking the Tongariro alpine crossing, site of Mount Ngaurunoe, New Zealand's third most active volcano, made famous as the image of Mount Doom in the Lord of the Ring movies. My guide (or Sam Gamgee, if you will) was my dear friend Clinton Sanford, who trained me for the 12-mile, 9-hour trek, which included a 90-minute grueling climb up "the devil's staircase." Good fortune or divine providence granted me the unexpected company of Brian and Peri Zahnd, whose travels coincided briefly with mine. We were also accompanied (and fed) by Sarah and Bruce O'Brian (from El Rancho Camp). At first I had ...

I must confess – Ed Dunn

I must confess I enjoy a special tradition on the morning of each new New Year’s Day.  With my college Sophomore, Lauren, upstairs and still fast-asleep, I like to bundle up, coffee up with a large “to-go” thermos and sneak quietly out of the house.  The sun is rarely up as I do. What could be my destination so early on the first day of each new year?  That’s simple.  I like to make my way with the crowds of excitable spectators hurriedly streaming southward towards a world-famous piece of real estate.  I like to join in with one million or so other fans on their way to the narrow sidewalks of Colorado Boulevard.&...

Why the Father Didn’t Seek the Prodigal (because he did) Brad Jersak

“The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which is lost” (Luke 19:10). There it is. The gospel of grace distilled perfectly through Jesus’ own words. That statement encapsulates the reason for Christ’s Incarnation, his earthly ministry and his final Passion, in which he pursues humanity even into death. Even hades could not separate us from the relentless love of the “hound of heaven.” Christ describes his “seeking and saving” mission in the three great parables of Luke 15: the lost coin, the lost sheep and the lost son. In each of the parables, the obvious punchline is how heaven rejoices when what was lost has been found. This ...

Pain, Belief & the Suffering of Children – Brad Jersak

PAIN.Has it crushed your faith or made you a believer? Nativity & Massacre of the Innocents As Christ-followers celebrate the Feast of the Nativity, we also anticipate the tragedy in Bethlehem known as "the massacre of the innocents," when King Herod sought to cut short the Messiah's life. The story is recounted in Matthew 2. 13 When they had gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” he said, “take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” 14 So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for ...

Our Final Authority: Bible or Jesus? Brad Jersak

Our final authority It was one of my classic last-minute cancellations. A church whose pastor and elders had invited me to speak on prayer found themselves awkwardly withdrawing their invitation. The pastor had moved on and the interim minister had done some digging. He was offended that my church (Fresh Wind at the time) had nothing in our statement(s) of faith about the Bible. That was because our doctrinal statements were the Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed. I told him that I was not comfortable with creating statements of faith or redacting the great creeds. In the end, what he explicitly demanded was this confession, similar to many confes...

The Logic (and limits) of “Christus Victor” – Brad Jersak

The Logic of Penal Substitution As a young, gungho Calvinist in the 1980s, I composed a 180+ page M.A. thesis / apologetic for penal substitutionary atonement, titled "The Nature of Christ's Suffering and Substitution." In retrospect, I'm embarrassed by my anachronistic reading of the early church, my inability to distinguish the difference between "exchange" and "substitution," and my assumptions about the necessity of wrath-appeasement. If that's all gobbledygook to you, the reader, no worries. We'll get to the good stuff momentarily. I will say in my defense that at least I knew the Cross was central to Christian faith, whatever it might mean. D...