512 results for tag: blog
Salvation by Faith Alone? – Greg Albrecht
How can you justify saying that salvation is by faith alone or as you often say “faith alone, grace alone and Christ alone” when James 2:14-20 says something different?
Some suggest, from the passage in James 2:14-26, that works or deeds in some way conditions of God’s acceptance of us. By way of response:
1. If this passage can be perceived to say such a thing would one passage (a proof text if you like) invalidate the gospel of Jesus Christ and the many passages in the New Testament that emphatically teach that salvation is by Christ alone – faith alone, grace alone and Christ alone? This ...
The Good & Beautiful Shepherd – Kenneth Tanner
Middle Eastern shepherds in the time of the Bible did NOT break the legs of sheep and carry them on their shoulders to keep them from running away again, or “hold them close to their heart” or whatever myth you heard growing up.
It’s terribly impractical, for one thing. Sheep can weigh up to 75 pounds. It’s a tremendous hindrance to properly caring for the whole flock. It can also permanently disable the sheep.
Imagine having a number of immobilized or broken sheep in a flock. What a mess that would be.
The rod of the shepherd was used to defend the flock from predators, not beat the sheep. And the hooked staff was ...
The All Star Game of Faith – Greg Albrecht
Baseball season is in full swing, and, as always, this season includes controversy and arguments – not always about the game played on the field. Once again this year politics are creeping into Mom, Apple Pie and Baseball. Reacting to political decisions made by the state of Georgia, the hierarchy of MLB has decided to award the All Star Game, previously scheduled for Atlanta, to Denver, to be played on July 13.
While I have my opinions about this year’s MLB All Star Game, I will not here enter the swamp of political debate about this decision, but rather propose a far more interesting game in which two teams play an All Star ...
Unwavering Faith? Greg Albrecht
A friend of mine, enduring some painful struggles, asked me to continue to pray for him. He was particularly concerned, as he said, that “my faith doesn’t waver.”
I started thinking about “unwavering” faith. Everything human wavers – love, commitment, trust, honesty, fidelity, patience – it all wavers. Human faith wavers. We are not the rock – Jesus is. Jesus is the unmoved mover. He is always here for and with us. Jesus never walks away and abandons us. He is perfectly faithful.
It may well be the most faithful ...
Listen to Greg Albrecht Unplugged
"Take Away the Stone"
Greg Albrecht Unplugged - Weekly Podcast Message
A short message from John 11 on Jesus setting us free and a new life in him.
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April 2021 CWR Magazine
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Greg Albrecht: When Jesus Rode into Town– pg. 2Laura Urista: The Heart of the Matter– pg. 4Ed Dunn: Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled– pg. 5Brad Jersak: Pastoral Perspective – pg. 7
Is It True? by Greg Albrecht
The next time you are in the checkout line at the grocery store imagine turning to the person next to you and joyfully announcing “Christ is risen!” Can you picture the bewildered expressions of your fellow shoppers?
Imagine you are taking a walk and when someone passes by you greet them by saying, “Christ is risen!” Some of those people would ignore you, and perhaps walk a little faster to put more distance between them and you.
Is it true that Jesus was resurrected? Is it true that Jesus is now alive, with his same physical body made immortal, a body that is incorruptible, impervious to aging, disease and death?
Did you know ...
Looking to Jesus – We gaze on the Light when shrouded in Darkness – Greg Albrecht
Greg Albrecht - PTM President
Yet again we have been shocked at the perverse darkness of evil evidenced through the tragedies of shootings and terrorism. Just when we think the valley of the shadow of death could not get any darker it does. We will mourn with those in grief and we dare not stifle their angry cry of lament. Yet again, the Psalmist's cry echoes across the millennia "How long, O Lord!?"
Yet again political parties co-opt our grief and loss as a platform to gain supporters for their cause as they point out real or imagined inadequacies of those on the “the other side of the aisle.” Just when we thought politics ...
No Religion Allowed Beyond This Point by Greg Albrecht
Think of a huge sign posted on the Cross of Christ. Warning! No Religion Allowed Beyond This Point. The gospel truth is that the Cross of Christ stands for no more lies, prevarications, manipulations, characterizations and deceptions. Warning! No Religion Allowed Beyond This Point is the gospel truth.
The BIG LIE of Christ-less religion is that God is angry with you and me. The “gospel” of Christ-less religion is that even though God is really upset with you and me, we can please and appease him with our behavior, so that he will not send us to hell as he would have had we not appeased him. ...
The Prodigal Bible – Brad Jersak
Reader's Comment
I was reading Isaiah 40-45 this morning with new eyes thanks to your ministry. It is so wonderful to read the Old Testament with the new knowledge that our God, my God, is always loving like the father in the parable of the prodigal son. The Spirit is shining a new light on the text and a new light is penetrating my heart.
I must say that you've inspired an aha! moment for me in terms of framing the whole of Scripture within the context of the gospel itself.
If all Scripture is meant to be read in the context of the gospel and if the gospel is summarized beautifully in the parable of ...
PSA’s Moral Monster – Brad Jersak
"I'm afraid that the Evangelical doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement (PSA) can ultimately lead a thinking person away from Christ altogether. When hate is interpreted as love there is little chance for trusting Jesus Christ to take root." - Lazar Puhalo
Some people who believe in penal substitution say that they know how much God loves him BECAUSE he killed his Son instead of them. To sacrifice one's own beloved child instead of me shows how much he values me. BUT the problem with such a disturbing vision of "love" is exposed by the way it fractures the human heart in its call to respond to such perverted love.
The questions ...
It’s Either Old or New – It Can’t Be Both – Greg Albrecht
By way of introduction to It's Either Old or New—It Can't Be Both! I would like to introduce two special guests.
Before going any further, I should explain that our special guests will appear as caricatures—in the form of a communication that they might have had with each other—so that there is, as far as I know, no actual resemblance to anything they've ever said to each other, if indeed they ever had a one-on-one conversation. I hope that clears me—that's my disclaimer.
Our first guest is Martha Stewart.
Martha Stewart has come, over the past few decades, to symbolize the paragon of a dutiful, skilled, energetic and creative homemaker. ...
Spiritual Growing Pains – Brad Jersak
I have this painful memory circa 1975 when, as a middle school adolescent, I was sidelined from a series of exciting outings (including my annual Halloween junk food haul) due to excruciating leg pain associated with growing. And skinny though I was, my growth spurt even featured stretch marks at the top of my thighs. But it was the deep and untreatable ache that haunts me most. In my book, A More Christlike Way, I spend a chapter exploring alternative metaphors to the trendy word, "deconstruction." I looked at art restoration, home renovation, extreme makeovers and, my favorite, dry-cleaning my daughter-in-law's vintage wedding dress. A summary of ...
The Dragon and the Baby – Greg Albrecht
“A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born” (Revelation 12:1-4, my emphasis).
Chances are you will not see or receive a Christmas card depicting the nativity in ...
Five Stages Leading to Religious Violence – Greg Albrecht
“From whence come wars and
fightings among you?” – James 4:1
During a time of feasting and festivities when we deck the halls, hang ornaments and lights, resurrect the nativity scene from the attic or garage, buy and wrap presents, bake and consume cookies, enjoy dinners, concerts, friends and family – lost is the fact that violence and refugees are part of the story of the first Christmas.
Just before Herod’s massacre of the innocents in Bethlehem an angel warned Joseph to take Mary and Jesus, and to run for their lives to Egypt. Idyllic scenes depicted on Christmas cards notwithstanding, an undercurrent and backstory of violence forms ...
Does God “use” us? Brad Jersak
In his first non-fiction book, Lies We Believe About God, Wm. Paul Young challenges a host of commonly accepted Christian assumptions that he feels need to be second-guessed, given the track record of harm they do in the real world. In chapter six, he addresses the expression, "I just want God to use me."
At first glance, we might be tempted to concur with the phrase. Pretty much all people are looking for meaning and purpose in their lives. We would rather feel useful than useless and if we feel that God has a role for us in the grand scheme of his kingdom, then our sense of self-worth and importance to God grows, doesn't it? That seems so ...
Just Wondering – Greg Albrecht
I was recently challenged by someone whose religion causes them to believe God the Holy Spirit to be an “it” rather than a divine Person. Their mannerisms as they “taught me” reminded me of mansplaining - the current term that women use for men who patronize them, adopting a condescending conversational tone as if they are empty headed, immature children. After I listened to this person “setting me straight” I said I had a few questions – they of course had to allow me to say something, since I had listened to them, and “questions” sounded good because it may have seemed I wanted clarification. Indeed I did ...
He Cares For You! Greg Albrecht
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).
Paul wrote these words when he was in lock-down – the power of the mighty Roman Empire insisted he “stay safe at home.” Paul was social distancing whether he liked it or not. He was in prison, or at the very least under house arrest. He had good reason to be anxious about everything in his life yet he said, “Do not be anxious about anything…”
Paul was an intelligent man. He had a ...
Will You Get Enough Right Answers? Greg Albrecht
Will You Get Enough Right Answers?
My driver’s license is expiring in a few weeks. In the past, my license expired every five years and the state of California automatically renewed it and sent me a new one in the mail. But now, knowing I have passed the exalted age of 70, and apparently completely oblivious of the legal implications of age discrimination, the good people of California have determined that I and other old codgers like me must have my vision and knowledge tested to see if we are worthy of sharing the road with all the careful, cautious and patient younger drivers we encounter every day.
I made an appointment and showed ...
“No fires here” – Brad Jersak
This photo was taken by a member of one of Brian and Peri Zahnd's Holy Land tours. It is a sign at Gehenna (in Hebrew, the Valley of the Sons of Hinnom), which many Bibles translate "Hell." Gehenna is a valley just south of Jerusalem, once a firepit but now a garden. When people ask if I believe in a 'literal hell,' the answer is obvious. Yes. I've personally been there.
I love that the sign says in Hebrew, "No fires here!"
What most Bible readers miss is that this is exactly what Jeremiah prophesied: That the same valley where the corpses of the siege would be thrown out and burned will be restored and "holy to the Lord." ...