8 results for tag: Bible reading

“All Scripture is God-breathed…so that…” Brad Jersak

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work. —2 Timothy 3:16-17 Perhaps the question we should be asking isn't, "Am I getting the Bible right?" but "What kind of life is our reading of the Bible producing." —Jared Byas, Love Matters More The first phrase of 2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is God-breathed" or "inspired" is a wonderful truth. Unfortunately, Paul's assertion has primarily been used as a "gotcha verse" in debates about the nature of Scripture. But the question is NOT ...

CWR Video – Reading the Bible Right – by Brian Zahnd

Brian Zahnd - Reading the Bible Right

Q&R: Intellectually Honest Bible Reading – Brad Jersak

Question I am writing to ask for your expertise, advice and suggestions. Even though I have been studying the Church Fathers, your books and expositions on how to read Scripture “the Emmaus Way” for the past three years, I am still troubled by various OT Testament passages.How do we “ interpret” the Flood Story for example. How do we read the countless rather swift and brutal judgment passages related to the 40 years of Israelites wandering the desert? Whole people groups swallowed up in the ground or burned by fire? Some of the above stories are also mentioned by Jesus, Paul or Peter in the NT accounts. I know this sounds maybe a ...

Gospel Before Translation (pt. 2/3) – Brad Jersak

Gospel Before Translation: In part 1 of this series, I claimed that the first Christian interpreters established in their hearts the gospel of Jesus Christ before they attempted to translate or interpret the Scriptures. Apart from that gospel, they believed the Bible could not be understood, much less translated, as inspired Scripture. The gospel formed and affected all of their translation work. Sadly, modern translators seem to pretend to be unbiased by their theology (but of course they are). Our first example came from Isaiah 53:10, where the NIV and KJV depicted God as taking pleasure in crushing the suffering servant (a type of Christ). But ...

Nov-Dec 2015

Articles:  The Visitor - page 1 Apart From and before God's Grace - page 2 Fellowship of the Unashamed - page 4 Perils of Bible Dissection - page 5 Reading the Bible Right - page 6 God Loves China - page 7

Sep-Oct 2015

Articles: Can We "Make" God Love Us More or Less? - page 1 God Gave Them Over... -  page 2 The Bible Says It...but Does That Settle It? - Page 4 Reading & Understanding the Bible... Part 4 - page 6 Whiskey & Cigars? - page 7

Jul-Aug 2015

Articles: Gateway to the Gospels: John - page 1 Grace A Lot or Grace Alone? - page 2 The New Covenant: Part 3 - page 4 Reading & Understanding the Bible: Part 3 - page 6 Grandma Taught Me - page 7

Mar-Apr 2015

Articles: Gateway to the Gospels: Mark - page 1 Everything for Nothing - page 2 The New Covenant: Part 1 - page 4 Reading & Understanding the Bible: Part 1 - page 6 Seeking the Kingdom? - page 7