3 results for tag: appearances

December 2022

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Our Ultimate Caregiver – pg. 2 Greg Albrecht: Incomparable & Boundless – pg. 5 Richard Rohr: Christmas: Only One Message – pg. 7

May 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Religion: Where Is the Love? – pg. 1 Not That Kind of Christian – pg. 2 The Power of God's Love – pg. 5 Happy 100th Birthday – pg. 6 Crowned with Tender Mercies – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8 CLICK on MAGAZINE COVER BELOW for Flipping Page Format [real3dflipbook id="186"]

January 2017

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Articles: Faith in Jesus or Faith in Sinai? – pg. 1 Religion - Where is the Love? – pg. 2 Cargo Cult Christianity - All about Appearances – pg. 5 Missed Opportunity – pg. 7 Quotes & Connections – pg. 8