6 results for tag: Advent

Sometimes Waiting is Hard – Brad Jersak

Waiting: “Advent” is a word I was unfamiliar with as a child growing up in my Baptist tradition. But in my years with the Mennonites, I became familiar with the ritual of lighting candles on the Advent wreath in anticipation of Christ’s nativity. Advent, I learned, meant arrival but intrinsic to that word was the waiting, the anticipation and the longing of God’s people for his appearance and especially his deliverance. As a little boy, I relived that expectant hope as the calendar slowly edged forward to Christmas. Sometimes Waiting is Hard I think most children find waiting for the climax of Christmas morning difficult … but they may ...

Advent: Awaiting Arrivals – by Laura Urista

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) Advent is a time of expectation, anticipation and waiting. Ancient Israel awaited the arrival of a Savior – the Messiah to establish his kingdom of peace. The Magi awaited the arrival of a magnificent star to guide them to the newborn king. Mary awaited the arrival of her son, whom she named Jesus (Savior). Every year at Christmas-time, we await the arrival of friends and family at dinners and celebrations. ARRIVAL DATE: ...

December 2021

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: Once Before Time– pg. 2 Laura Urista: Awaiting Arrivals– pg. 5 Kenneth Tanner: The Inalienable Rights of the Incarnation – pg. 6 Brad Jersak: Jesus Christ Before His Birth – pg. 7

December 2019

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Mary: The Second Eve– pg. 3 Scott Erickson: O Eve!– pg. 7 Greg Albrecht: Wrapping an Idea in a Person – pg. 8 Jim Fowler: The Reason for the Season – pg. 10 Felicia Murrell: Advent Poem – pg. 12 Richard Rohr: Christ in the Face of the Other – pg. 13 Greg Albrecht: Was Christ a Created Being? -pg. 15

December 2018

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Advent, Arrival, Appearance– pg. 1 Eden Jersak: Arrival of Hope– pg. 3 Brad Jersak: Arrival of Peace – pg. 4 Laura Urista: Arrival of Joy – pg. 6 Kenneth Tanner: Arrival of Love – pg. 8 Greg Albrecht: Kingdom of Heaven – pg. 8 Larry Parsley: J.B. Roane and the Case of the Belated Apology – pg. 12 Steve Stewart: Pure and Wonderful Grace – pg. 14 Brad Jersak: “What Lesson Is God Teaching Me?” -pg. 15

December 2017

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Greg Albrecht: The KING Who Became a Man – pg. 1 Brad Jersak: The Great Scandal! – pg. 5 Eden Jersak: God With Us – pg. 8 Laura Urista: Good News of Great Joy – pg. 12 Brian Zahnd: Waiting for God to Act – pg. 13 Greg Albrecht: “If God is love, why would he allow a place like hell?” -pg. 15