3 results for tag: addictions

Hooked on a Feeling – by Greg Albrecht

Once upon a time, the word "addiction" was used almost exclusively to define and describe dependence on mood altering substances. Addiction is centered on sensory stimulation and gratification. When a particular chemical substance that produces an incredible "rush" or "high" wears off, an individual starts returning to the drug to experience the same feeling again. Substance addiction is further understood as continued involvement with a drug because of immediate pleasure and gratification, in spite of the negative consequences the addict would eventually experience. Today we speak not only of substance addiction but also, in a broader context, ...

The Likely Cause of Addiction: Disconnection – reflections on Johann Hari by Michael Peterson & Brad Jersak

"The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. It is human connection."  - Johann Hari   In his Jan. 2015 article, entitled, "The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think," Johann Hari (author of Chasing The Scream: The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs) presents a strong case for believing that addictions are rooted, not in chemical hooks, but in disconnection or alienation. The best treatment, he proposes, is human connection. I.e. love.   Dr. C. Michael Peterson and Brad Jersak reflect on these findings.    Michael Peterson Two ...

August 2018

CLICK HERE to read now (PDF Format) Brad Jersak: Space for All at God's Table– pg. 3 Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt: Everyone Belongs to God – pg. 6 Michael Peterson & Brad Jersak: Disconnection: A Likely Cause of Addictions – pg. 7 Laura Urista: Love Is – pg. 10 Greg Albrecht: People of the Way – pg. 12 Greg Albrecht: “Does God Give Ultimate Authority to Human Leaders?” -pg. 15