3 results for tag: 7 deadly sins
7 Deadly Sins – Envy and Laziness
Concluding a 3-part series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Greg deals with envy — our feeling of resentment over someone else’s possessions, and a desire to have them for ourselves, and laziness — the refusal to work hard.
7 Deadly Sins – Gluttony, Lust and Anger
Continuing a 3-part series on the Seven Deadly Sins, Greg confronts gluttony — obsession with food and drink, lust — unrestrained sexual craving, and anger — the feeling of hostility and wrath we experience when things don’t go our way.
7 Deadly Sins – Pride and Greed
Today we hear a lot about dysfunctions, shortcomings and chemical imbalances — but not much about the sin which plagues all of us. Greg begins this 3-part series on the Seven Deadly Sins with a look at the sins of pride and greed.