Reflections Along the Jesus Way

January 12, 2023 – Quote for the Day

“We don’t pay our own way into the kingdom of heaven.  There is no way to honor the Son, no way to accept the invitation, on our terms.  There is nothing we can do.  We can’t buy a ticket – the invitation is free, without charge.  We can’t get in the back door of the kingdom of heaven as a result of purchasing a pass through a religious power broker.

It doesn’t matter how ‘true’ your church is – your church can’t give you a pass into the kingdom of heaven.  You may belong to one of the many ‘only true churches’ I have run across in my ministry, but that fact means nothing to God.  Flashing your membership card from your ‘only true church’ at the door to the wedding banquet will only get you thrown out!  Don’t try to buy one of those tickets that the ticket-scalpers who are standing on the sidewalk just outside the wedding banquet are selling.  They’re bogus – they’re counterfeit – they are absolutely worthless to God.  They are nothing but fool’s gold.” 

Originally published in:

A Taste of Grace – Christianity Without the Religion


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