Reflections Along the Jesus Way

May 7, 2023 – Quote for the Day:

“Did you ever stop to think that Jesus did not start his ‘professional life’ ministering, teaching, comforting and healing – by posting a sign outside of a building announcing healing services and prophecy seminars?  Jesus didn’t wait for people to find him.  Instead, he found people in the midst of their daily problems, dilemmas, challenges and struggles. Much of the time Jesus arrived in people’s lives unannounced and unexpected.  Jesus didn’t expect people to get in their cars or jump on their donkeys so they could travel to a holy piece of real estate where whey would file into a holy building, take their places and wait for him to appear on stage.  Jesus didn’t wear a religious uniform and he didn’t talk funny as if he had just escaped (or graduated) from a seminary.  Instead of quoting dead theologians, Jesus told colorful and memorable stories.”

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Originally published in:

Letters to My Friends


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