Reflections Along the Jesus Way

April 04, 2023 – Quote for the Day:

“Far from being an obscure point of doctrine, the cross of Christ is ground zero of our faith.  All of the teachings of Jesus are best understood and illuminated by his cross.  The crucifixion of Jesus is a priority – a defining part of his identity, and for that matter, a foundational building block for all of us, as Christ-followers.  The cross of Christ is an essential part of his identity – it is the heart and soul of the gospel.

  • The cross crushes the tyranny of attempting to please God on the basis of law while simultaneously and tenaciously insisting that the lavish grace of God is the ground of our being.
  • The cross shocks and startles us with the mercy and forgiveness of God while convicting us of the perfect justice of God for one and all.
  • The cross stands as a forever memorial that God understands and intimately knows our suffering and our shame.
  • The cross of Christ, rather than the stone tablets of Sinai, is the ultimate spiritual script written by the finger of God, revealed, translated, published and proclaimed for the whole world, in and through Jesus, the rock of our salvation.
  • The cross is the love of God enshrined, his love letter to you and me and the whole world (John 3:1-6) lifting up Jesus and thus drawing all humanity to himself (John 12:32).”  
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Originally published in:

Letters to My Friends


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