Reflections Along the Jesus Way

March 30, 2023 – Quote for the Day:

“We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus in a Christ-centered way, for it is about Jesus’ own personal, victorious bodily resurrection – the resurrection is about him.  In and through him we have new life now! He is alive – he is our risen Lord!

But Jesus’ resurrection is also about our own future resurrection, and for that matter, the resurrection of the entire cosmos, when a new order of things will begin.  The new order of things is by him and for him.  At his Second Coming we will be bodily resurrected because he lives in us, and he will never die.  Those who are in Christ will rise bodily, to live and reign with him forever. 

In this way Easter represents the bookends of our faith.  Easter is about the beginning, the foundation of our faith – the victorious resurrection of Jesus Christ from his tomb.  Easter is also about the end – the end not in the sense of the ultimate boundary beyond which we do not exist – but the end in terms of the goal of our faith.  The goal of our faith is that there is no end of our relationship with God.  The goal of our faith is eternity with and in him.” 

Originally published in:

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 2


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