Reflections Along the Jesus Way

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December 24, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“… when Jesus was born, he was born far from the doors of any cathedral or temple made with human hands – far from any mega-church campus. The place where Jesus was born had more in common with places today where homeless people fill shopping carts with redeemable containers and poor day laborers wait for someone to hire them… When Mary gave birth, she gave birth to Jesus in a barnyard, and laid him in a feeding trough designed to feed animals. This scene was not a beautiful hospital birthing room – Jesus was not laid in a hygienic room with a window where friends and relatives could view him. He was laid in a feeding trough, and the sights, smells and sounds were those that are common to barnyards.” 

Originally published in:

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 2


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