Reflections Along the Jesus Way
December 7, 2024 – Quote for the Day:
“God’s grace, exemplified by the birth of Jesus, is not simply a one-time spiritual bail-out. God’s grace is not a temporary loan to help us get back on our feet. The birth of Jesus is not a one-time stimulus package.
God’s grace is an eternal solution. Jesus didn’t come to bring us a “little bit” of hope, to jump start the human religious economies of this world. Jesus did not come so that he could start another religion or modify religion. Religion is the problem. He brought the answer. The answer is Jesus.
Jesus brought an entirely different kind of spiritual economy – an economy based on God’s grace. We have found favor with God. God’s peace rests on us, because of his everlasting love. We have not earned his favor. We do not deserve his grace. God’s favor is the ultimate no-strings-attached gift – a gift which, like any other, must be accepted and opened – a gift which may also, by our choice, be rejected and ignored.”
Originally published in:
Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 2