Reflections Along the Jesus Way

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October 26, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“Many people are terrified of a God of wrath, the God they believe is just waiting for the opportunity to ‘take them out’ and ‘teach them a lesson.’ That ‘god’ is not the one, true God. That is the same ‘god’ humans believed in long before Jesus – a pagan god who is angry, vengeful, and delights in seeing people ‘get what’s coming to them.’ God has been and is horribly misunderstood. When Christ-less religion continues to proclaim that misunderstanding, it causes enormous grief. The one true God is all about inviting us to embrace his grace.  God loves us because of who he is, rather than taking delight in punishing us for who we are or how we fall short and disappoint him.” 

Christianity Without the Religion magazine, October 2017


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