Reflections Along the Jesus Way
September 10, 2024 – Quote for the Day:
“For some, ‘studying the Bible’ is merely a subjective exercise of picking and choosing until they are able to prove what they already believe to be true. As we faithfully study the Bible, we must beware of the many ways our beliefs and our biases may influence our quest to hear and know God.
Eisegesis = Reading something into (eis) the passage that isn’t there. An exercise in subjectivism.
Exegesis = Discovering and understanding meaning out of (ex) the passage, attempting to establish an unbiased point of view.
…The Bible is a collection of stories and experiences of sex, violence, lying, murder, war, barbarism, brutality, lust, greed, betrayal and for good measure, lots more sex and violence that spans several thousands of years of human history. Through all the real and oh-so-human experiences recorded in the pages of the Bible, Jesus Christ is the common thread of faith, hope and forgiveness – the gracious and merciful Common Denominator that runs through the human story.”
Originally published in:
Wonders of His Word