Reflections Along the Jesus Way

July 13, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

 “Boundaries are one of the defining characteristics of what it means to be human. As children, we probe and push until we can discover just how far our parents will go before they lower the boom on us. When we marry, we normally do a similar thing with the person we have promised to love and protect and cherish.

When the speed limit is 65, most drivers will extend that to about 75, thinking they have a safe margin before the highway patrol will stop them. We spend a lot of time and effort trying to go as far as we can. Lending institutions thrive by allowing people to push the outer limits of their finances. But even institutions that make money by virtually enslaving people will only allow a certain degree of indebtedness and then the credit runs out.

Does God’s grace have limitations and boundaries? How far can we push God before he loses it and goes ballistic? How far can we go with God before he says something like, ‘That’s it!  My grace has limits you know.’” 

Originally published in:

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 2


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