Reflections Along the Jesus Way

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July 4, 2024 – Quote for the Day:

“When you hear the two words fatal and attraction linked you may think of a movie by that title. The movie, you may remember, teaches the lesson that those who think they own you, may wind up stewing your pet rabbit.

I don’t want any political interest thinking that I will pay them the allegiance which I owe to God alone, for first and foremost I am a citizen of the kingdom of heaven.

Neither a political candidate nor a political party can replace the kingdom of God.  There is no New Testament teaching that requires Christians to attempt to influence or change political institutions.

I am thankful I live in a country where a separation between church and state exists.  After all, the church needs to be protected from the state. Some Christians will hear me say that and nod their approval. But then, if they let me keep on talking, I almost always add this safeguard goes both ways. So here I go – I’m going to keep talking.

It is also a blessing to live in a country where the civil government is protected from the church. History records what happens when such checks and balances do not exist.

In fact, the situation in our world today with religious fundamentalism and extremism presents an even more contemporary, compelling and chilling illustration of what happens when religion runs wild. I believe the church, the body of Christ, best functions in its culture as a believing minority, rather than a moral majority.”  

Originally published in:

Spiritual Soup for the Hungry Soul, Volume 1


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